158. Real Life

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"Ready to find the sex of our second child?" Nina asked once Ian had climbed the front seat after strapping their daughter into her car seat

"Absolutely" Ian answered as he turned the car on before driving out of their driveway and down the street towards the the doctor's office.

"What do you think we're having this time?" Nina asked as she laid a hand on her bump and Ian looked over at her for a split second before focusing on the road

"It doesn't really matter to me as long as the baby's healthy" he replied reaching over laying a hand on Nina's growing bump and she smiled laying here on top of his as they'll he baby loved making them chuckle

"I think they're just as eager to know as we are" Nina replied as the bah gave them a small kick and Ian chuckled at that little movement

"I think you're right"

Not long, the couple arrived at their doctor's office and Nina climbed down while Ian went around the car to pick Blaire up before covering her up with a blanket due to the cold and because of the paparazzi that had followed them. Nina grabbed the diaper bag before they made their way inside ignoring the flashing lights of the paparazzi and their unending questions about when the baby was due and why they contiene to cover Blaire up even after everyone already saw how she looked like due to her photo being leaked a few months ago.

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs, Somerhalder, how are you doing this fine day?" The receptionist asked the pair when they walked in and they smiled

"We're doing good thank you Ariel and you?" Nina asked

"Doing great thank you, you know the drill" the girl, Ariel, said as she handed Nina the sign-in sheet before having them take a seat once Nina handed the sheet back to her.

It didn't take long for the pair and their daughter to get called in by the nurse and led to an empty room so that Nina could get her weight checked as well as ask the necessary questions they always get asked whenever they have an appointment.

"Alright everything is good, Doctor Smith will be in shortly" the nurse said once she had finished her routine and the couple nodded with Ian rocking Blaire on his lap as the toddler slept. She had woken up early this morning with a small fever but aftet Nina had given her some children's Tylenol, the fever went down and now Blaire was tired which they couldn't blame her for. So Ian rocked the small body in his arms while Nina sat on the cot watching them with a soft smile hand under her belly. She was already 28 weeks along meaning that this little one will be joining the family in 3 more months which is surreal to think. It felt as if was just yesterday that they found out about baby number two coming and now they were close to holding him in their arms.

They're hoping that this time they'd be able to know what they're having since the last few ultrasounds they've had, the baby had refused to be seen making it impossible for them to know.

A soft knock came to the door a few minutes later before it opened and Doctor Smith, who had been the doctor to see Nina that me past few visits, poked her head in before opening the door wide smiling when she saw Blaire fast asleep.

"How are we doing today?" She asked the pair

"Good and you?" Nina questioned

"I'm doing good, so are we ready to see that you're having? Hopefully?" She asked with a smile and they nodded and she motioned for them to follow her out of the room, with Ian being careful not to jostle Blaire too much knowing how cranky and agitated Blaire can get when she's woken up before she's ready to wake up.

"Alright you know the drill" Doctor Smith said once they walked into the ultrasound room and Nina got up on the exam bed and lifted her shirt up so that the doctor could place a paper on the waste of her sweats to keep them form getting wet with the gel, "Lets see if this time we have a good view of what this little one will be"

A few typing here and there and the doctor moving the wand around the doctor stopped and smiled, "well it looks like today is your lucky day"

The pair looked at the screen to see where the doctor was pointing at the screen, "what are we having?"

"And is the baby healthy?" Both Ian and Nina asked in unison

"The baby's as healthy as he can be" Doctor Smith said and they smiled at the reply before Ian did a double take


"Yes, you're having a healthy baby boy" Doctor Smith replied and Ian couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle as his eyes filled with tears while Nina grinned looking at the screen with tears silently rolling down her face at the news.

After what felt like forever, the doctor turned the machine off after handing the pair a couple ultrasound photos and Nina wiped the gel off of her bump. They made plans of coming back when Nina was only three weeks away from her due date which was roughly around November 20. Blaire only made soft noises the whole time the couple were in the room and barely moved when she was strapped into her car seat once they had left the doctor's office, grateful that the paparazzi were long gone.

"Ready?" Ian asked once he was in his seat and Nina hummed, "Are you still up to going to the store to get some baby stuff?"

"Yeah, first we need to get food for when Blaire wakes up"she replied and Ian nodded and made his way down the road towards the closets McDonalds to buy them some food before they drove to the store that was a 20 minute driver from their home.

To their surprise Blair didn't wake up until they reached the store and when she did, they were fully prepared for a tantrum but instead, they only got a clingy toddler who didn't want to be away from her mother and so the trip to the store was eventful to say the least as Ian and Nina shopped only stopping a few times the whole time, once to change Blaire's diaper and two to give her the food that they had bought as well as the toy that came with the meal.

"Alright I think we got enough things for today" Nina said as they left the store with a cart fills with clothes for both Blaire and the new baby as well as some toys and room decore since Nina wanted to decorate the nursery.

Once everything had been put in the trunk and Blaire was safely in her car seat with her favorite song playing in the background the trio made their way back home for the day because before they knew it, there will be another little human in the house and their hands will be full.

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