117. Text Message

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Text iMessage between Ian, Kat, Candice and Malarkey

How is she?

People are so disgusting I can't even

How can people even say that seriously they're so fucked up man

We've actually talked and we agreed to take a break from social media and focus on raising Blaire as best as we can away from the public.
I don't know how may times I had to block and report accounts because of what they leave behind on my posts. It's insane

I don't doubt that and I think that it's a good idea that you and Nina  are thinking about taking a break from social media. It's good for the both of you to just take a step back from all the negativity you two are getting on a daily

Are you guys deactivating or just not gonna post anything on social media?

How much you wanna bet that kxne you both go AWOL the haters will make up some bs about you two 'breaking up' because the hate was getting out of hand and E!News will be the first one to write something like that

I wasn't be surprised if an article is written tomorrow when neither of us post anything on social media...the only people that would be upset with us going MIA would be our fans who have been nothing but supportive and respectful towards our decision in keeping Blaire out of social media

That's true those fans have been amazing to you both always standing up for you and replaying to the haters about leaving you alone

That's true
I even had a few haters comment on a post I did of you, Blaire and Nina at mine and Kat's place over the weekend last month and a fan was quick to come to my defense and of course yours and Nina's as well

I saw that too. I mean why can't we all just get along...it seriously sucks seeing so many hate comments left and right on every post you two make as you show your love for each other or for your baby girl. It's ridiculous

Tell me about it. After the last post I made, Nina refuses to check her phone or even post a photo on her page because she's done with the negative comments she's getting...I suggested that she unable her comments so I don't know what she's going to do. I think she's thinking of posting one last photo before we both take a step back from social media

I wish I was with you both right now so I could give you a big hug

We'll be back soon I still have to finish filming V-WARS...I know we said we'd be in Louisiana until the January 4 th but I remembered that I still have filming to wrap up  and Nina needs to be back to film her show

When do you get back? I was talking with Kayla, Dannie, Claire, Phoebe and Kat the other day about us taking Nina and Blaire out for lunch or something to get her mind off of all of this

We'll be back October 15 a week before wrap up and Nina would be glad to go out with you all when we get back

She deserves it after everything that's going on social media. She's so sweet and cute I don't know how people can hate her she's an absolute angel

Couldn't agree more with you love. Nina is a wonderful girl with a heart of gold and it ducks seeing all the hate she's getting even after all this time.

People send her DMs calling her a home wrecker after Nikki and I broke up and it's honestly so disgusting to even read what those people wrote...like they don't know what their words are song to her....I've deleted so many comments and replies on IG and Twitter but it's not enough because she already sees them and she gets upset

I don't blame her...I know how it feels to receive hate from people that don't even know you or what actually happened behind door. One person called me a home wrecker when Joe and I got together but they don't know that we got together after he was already divorced so seeing the people sending Nina hate after you and Nikki's break up I can understand her because no one knows when and how long you and Nikki were over before you both announced it on Instagram after Nina's accident

And I've said that before during a livestream on Instagram but it seems like they don't care and just send her hate and it's frustrating..so is taking a break from social media will do us good and helpfully people will realize that their words hurt bad that they should think before posting it

Take as long as you bring want mate, you two deserve some peace and tranquility and hair focus on your daughter and work and nothing else


I third that notion. Just delete the apps from your phones and take a deep breath and enjoy your time and relax and focus on your daughter and work

Just because we won't post on social media doesn't mean that we'll stop talking with you all

We know but we just wanted you to know we have your back ❤️

Thank you we really appreciate it hush seriously...thank you for listening 'reading' my rant it felt good to let all that out and I'm sure Nina will message you once she wakes up from nap

Or you can just show her our messages so she knows that we support your decisions

Is that why she wasn't added?

I didn't even think about that thanks candy
And yeah she fell asleep with Blaire after she fed her

No problem Somerhalder and why don't you do the same?

I agree with Candy. Take a nap and you'll be good as new when you wake up

Good idea. I'll talk to you guys later

See ya

Have a good nap

Bye oh and give Nina and Blaire  a kiss from us

Will do
[read 12:45 pm]

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