46. Real Life

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"OH MY GOD!" Kat and Candice yelled as soon as they spotted Nina and Ian walking into set on Monday so Ian could film episode 13 of The Vampire Diaries after their four day vacation to Galapagos island for Valentine's Day.

"Show us" Kat said and Nina chuckled as she held her left hand out where the diamond ring sat perfectly and the girls awed

"Nice pick man" Paul said with a whistle as he too looked down the the ring

"Thanks. I mean I did get a help from a friend" Ian replied looking at Kat who smiled

"I'm surprised there weren't any news articles about you being spotted with a mysterious woman at the jewelry store" Paul chuckled and Ian rolled his eyes as Nina leaned against him

"I wasn't alone when went to the store" he replied making Candice and Paul raise an eye brow in question

"Michael went with us to the jewelry store" Kat replied adding, "though they did write an article about Ian being spotted at the store. I think they wrote it like three weeks ago"

"Really?" Candice asked with a frown

"Yeah, we even talked about to while on set Blondie" Ian said and she hummed

"Oh yeah I remember now" Candice said with a duh tone in her voice making the small group laugh at her reaction

"You're something else Candy" Nina chuckled

"So how di-" Candice began to question when she was cut off by Kevin yelling at Ian, Matthew and Chris to get on set to start filming where they had left of last week.

"Alright let's get this show on the road" Ian said as he gave Nina a kiss on the temple before making his way to set leaving Kat, Candice and Paul behind since they weren't needed for another few minutes.

"Alright, give us the details on how he proposed" Candice said with a giddy grin clapping her hands while Kat and Paul rolled their eyes

"Well as you guys know we went to Ecuador for a few days" Nina began as they sat on the small sofa with the girls on each of her sides and Paul across from her on the small couch, "the first few two days after we got there we just spent the day relaxing on the island before we went to visit the animals there and then he surprised me with a moonlight dinner"

Just thinking about that night bright a smile to Nina's face. The pair had gotten to their rented home from their visit from seeing the animals and Ian had told Nina to go shower while he ordered dinner. When she returned Ian wasn't anywhere to be seen making her frown in confusion and call out his name but it never came so she went in search of her boyfriend only to gasp when she spotted a trial of roses on the living room wooden floors that led to the small beach. As she made her way down the sandy path she spotted Ian in the middle of the sand in front of a beautifully set table with a vase holding roses. Candles circled the table making it bright along with the moon up in the sky.

"What's all this?" Nina asked once she reached him and Ian smiled holding his hand to her

"Well today for starters today is Valentine's Day and what type of boyfriend would I be if I didn't treat the woman of my dreams like a queen?" Ian asked with a raised brow making her smile

"You didn't have to do all this you know" she replied as he led her to her seat and pulled the chair back so Nina could sit before doing the same across from her

"I know but I wanted tonight to be extra special he replied and she hummed

"Well I can say that you've our done yourself tonight Mr. Somerhalder"

"Why thank you Miss Dobrev"

They made small chatter and told some jokes and even talked about The Vampire Diaries and how they couldn't wait to finally film their scenes together in a few weeks since the season was only 3 episodes away from being over.

"Care to dance?" Ian asked once they had finished eating and she nodded taking hold of Ian's hand in hers. They walked a few feet away from the dinner table and Ian pulled Nina close against him as the melody of You're Still The One by Shana Twain began playing in the background.

The swayed softly to the music as the waves crashed again the rocky shores of the beach and the moon shine bright in the sky. Nina rested her head on his chest as Ian began humming to the music making her heart swell in her chest.

"I'm so glad we made it
Look how far we've come my baby" as the song came to an end, Ian pulled back and Nina smiled as she looked at him before gasping when Ian got down on one knee pulling out the small velvet box from his pocket

"Ian" she gasped as tears filled her eyes and her hands covered her mouth and Ian only smiled taking her left hand in his and took a deep breath

"Nikolina Konstantinova Dobreva" Ian began making Nina roll her eyes at the use of her full name making him smile, "I knew you were the one for me the moment I realized that my happiness lied in your smiles, not mine."

Nina chews the inside of her cheek as tears began roll down her face as Ian looked up at her" We've had our ups and downs but I wouldn't change it for anything in the world because in the end it brought us back together and to this very moment. I can't promise that nothing will ever go wrong in our lives. But I can promise that we'll be side by side, taking all of life's challenges head on and making the best of every moment that we're alive"

"I hate you right now" nina whispered with a sniffle as she wiped a tear away making Ian smile and each up to catch the next tear from falling

"I loved you too," Ian chuckled making her smile "This ring is more than just a piece of jewellery. It's a piece of my heart, a piece of my soul given to you because they belong to no one else but you. Even a thousand lives aren't worth a single lifetime spent with you. Be mine forever baby?" He held the ring up and she didn't have to say anything because as soon as Ian had finished, Nina three herself at him making him fall on his ass as her arms wrapped around his neck

"Is that a yes?" Ian asked with a chuckle as he held onto her and Nina nodded whispering a soft 'yes' against his neck making Ian release a sigh of relief as he placed the ring on her finger, "love you sweetheart"

"Love you"

"Okay that has to be the most romantic and sweetest proposal in the world" Candice gushed once Nina had finished recounting the proposal to her friends and she nodded

"That day will be the best day of my life" the Bulgarian Bork said with a content sigh as she looked at the ring

"We're happy for you both" Kat said with a smile as she gave Nina's hand a squeeze. They talked a bit more before they each were called to set to film their scenes leaving Nina behind.

February 14, 2017 will be a day that Ian and Nina will remember for days to come until their wedding day that is. 

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