70. Real Life

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"And that's a wrap," The director for A Dogs Day said and the cast all clapped and left set, "it's been an honor and privilege to have you all on this project. You have all worked so incredibly hard on this and I couldn't have asked for a better cast and crew than you all"

"Awww" Nina awed as she and the cast all crowded the director in hugs and Ian smiled as he watched his fiancée interact with her new co-stars. Watching Nina film two consecutive films has been incredible and he couldn't be more proud of her. She's one of the last hard-working women he's ever met in his life. She's not only part of two different films and shows but she's also the face of Rebook.

"It's been an honor to be part of this film and I honestly can't thank you all enough for having me be part of this wonderful production," Nina said as she looked at her co-stars, director, and camera crew as well as wardrobe

"I agree and I think I speak for everyone else, being in this film has been an honor, "Vanessa said as she also looked at the cast and crew and everyone that was involved in the film production. Everyone exchanged hugs and had a celebratory dinner before they all left the set.

"So when is the big day?" Vanessa asked as she walked with Nina and Ian to the parking lot where her boyfriend, Austin was meeting her

"March," Nina replied and she nodded

"I better get an invitation" Vanessa teased making Nina chuckle and Ian smile

"You know you and Austin will be guests at the wedding" Ian replied

"I know just messing with you both. So I'll see you guys when we see you" Vanessa said as she climbed into Austin's car Nina along with Ian nodded and waved them bye before getting in Ian's car

"Ready to go home?"

"Yes, but can we go to a drive-through to get something to eat?"

"Your wish is my command. What are you in the mood for?"

"Um, McDonald's. No way. Um, Bk. No, no, ugh um Taco Bell" Nina replied from the passenger's seat making Ian blink at her change of mind but didn't comment and instead drove towards a Taco Bell

"What would you like?" He asked as they pulled into the parking lot when he didn't get an answer he looked to the passenger's seat and saw she was fast asleep he chuckled shaking his head but he still ordered food for his future wife stopping at every fast food Nina had mentioned before making his way home.

Nina has been craving crazy foods for the past several weeks but he just passed it off as stress he didn't say anything in care Nina got offended which has also happened a few times. She cries over the smallest of things that she would never think twice about. And if Ian was being honest he'd think his fiancée was pregnant but that couldn't be it though. They have been careful but still, he couldn't shake off that nagging feeling that Nina was pregnant.

Shaking his head, he turned into their street and drove for a few minutes before pulling into their driveway and pressing the small button on the roof of the car to open the gates before pulling in and pressing the button again to close the gates.

What Ian didn't know was that Nina had planned a surprise for him to tell him that she was pregnant with their first child. She was going to tell him the following morning while Ian took Maverick for a morning run. Nina had gone to the doctor's after they returned from their trip to Bulgaria because she hadn't been feeling well and Ian noticed and begged her to make an appointment and so reluctantly she agreed and went to the clinic where she was given the news. She was 8 weeks along.

Turning the engine off, Ian got out of the car and walked to the front door to unlock it before walking back to the car to open the passenger's door and gently picked Nina up once he unbuckled her seatbelt and carried her inside and up the stairs towards their bedroom with Maverick hot on his heels. Once he laid Nina down, and her coat off, he pulled the covers up towards her chin making her sigh, and turned over on her side with a content smile. Ian shook his head and leaned down giving her a soft kiss before walking out and back to the car to grab the junk food from the back seat and to the kitchen.

"It looks like it's just you and me for a few hours Maverick" Ian días as he looks down at the black and white pooch that was at his feet making her bark and he chucked, "Come on then, let's go see what's on tv"

It was until it was 8 that Nina finally made her way downstairs and walked to the living room climbing Ian's lap

"Hey, sorry for sleeping on you earlier" she muttered resting her head on his shoulder but Ian shook his head rubbing her back causing her to hum

"No worries love. You've been working hard for the past couple of months so it's bound to happen" he replied Nina Jake wanted to just tell him but she wasn't going to ruin the surprise so she nodded, "I got you some food I'm not sure what you wanted so I got a little bit of everything"

"Did you eat yet?" She asked and he nodded

"But I'll come to join you so you won't feel lonely" he teased making her chuckle

"Okay" so with that the couple walked to the kitchen and Nina stopped in her tracks as she took in all the food on the tracks, "Why did you get food from all three fast food places I said?"

"Why not? Their food as much as I hate junk food is pretty decent so what the hell" he replied Nina rolled her eyes but had a smile on her face nonetheless

"Join me. I can't eat all this on my own"



With Ian and Maverick went for a few hours, Nina got to work going to the store to buy a small gift bag to stuff the ultrasound photo, test results, and a little outfit that read 'hi daddy, can't wait to meet you, love you already' in black bold letters that Nina had customized a few days ago when she found out she was expecting.

Once she got home, she made breakfast all the while feeling anxious as to how Ian would react. Yeah, they've talked about starting a family but she didn't know if he would want to start one when they weren't married yet. The sound of the front door being unlocked entered her hearing and Nina took a deep breath when Ian called for her she told him that she was in the kitchen and not a moment later the sound of nails against the hardwood floor reached her seconds before Maverick walked in followed by Ian.

"Mm that smells delicious" Ian hummed with eyes closed taking in the scent of bacon, sausages, egg, and freshly brewed coffee

"Why don't go freshen up while I finish?" Nina suggested and Ian nodded with a kiss on the cheek, he walked out for the kitchen and climbed the stairs. Nina was once again nervous as she heard the door creek as Ian made his way down the hall towards their room where the surprise awaited him on the bed.

"What in the?" Ian whispered to himself as he noticed the gift bag on the end with white and gold balloons tied to the handle. He walked over to the bed and picked the gift up and opened it to reveal a black and white photo on it and grew even more confused before pulling out the white envelope from the bag and reading the results inside that read POSITIVE in bold letters. His heart began racing in his chest as he pulled out the little outfit and read the bold words on the white onesie.

"Surprise" he turned around at the sound of Nina's voice to see her standing in the doorway chewing on her bottom lip Ian dropped their outfit on the bed and ran to her causing her to burst into laughter as Ian smothered her in kisses

"Are you serious?" He asked once he pulled back but not far and Nina nodded

"Yeah. Went to the doctor the day after we got back from our trip as I promised and she told me I was pregnant" Nina replied and Ian couldn't hold the tears back as they rolled down his cheeks getting on his knees and lifting Nina's shirt to expose her barely there bump

"Hi, little one. God, I can't believe your in there. I can't wait to meet you either. I love you and your mommy so much" he murmured and Nina smiled running her fingers through his hair

"We love you too, so much" she murmured and Ian looked up and smiled before standing up and capturing her lips in his with a searing kiss.

It's safe to say that breakfast got cold and showering was out to do the question for the soon-to-be-married parents as they got tangled in the sheets all morning long.

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