Chapter 3: Bullies and Comfort

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*warnings: mentions of sexual explotation and panic attacks happen*

Peter woke up to realise he was still in his suit, and instead of resting on the pillow he was now curled around it. He sleepily lifted up his head and saw Tony leaning back against the sofa watching TV. The boy lazily shrugged off his jacket and crawled towards the man, lying on Tony's chest and tucking his head in the crook of his neck.

"Comfy?" Tony asked amused, a chuckle vibrating from his chest.

"Mhmm." He hummed, sighing as a pair of arms wrapped around him.

"You're pretty worn out after that aren't you? You feeling okay?" He placed a hand on his forehead and took it away when he felt a normal temperature.

"I'm fine. Just tired Dad." Peter muttered, closing his eyes again.

"Alright." Tony kissed the side of his head and relaxed, just as Pepper walked into the room.

"Stark, I hate to break this extremely adorable moment but you have 6 documents to sign and one meeting on Monday which requires alot of planning." She smiled sadly as Tony pouted like a small child.

"Can you delay it? Like..forever?" He whined, resting his head on top of Peters.

"No Tony, please. Then that will be your last meeting for a few days." He paused before letting out an exaggerated sigh.

"Fine, I'll do it." She smiled and placed down a small stack of papers. "These need your signature."

She walked off and Peter snuggled closer to the man. "Can I stay here?"

"Sure, but go get dressed. That's a nice suit don't crinkle it."

"It's ugly." Peter muttered, trying to hide his face so Tony didn't see his smile. "Don't make me tickle you again."

The boy squealed and shot up, running out the room before Tony could even sit up.


In no time at all Peter found himself back in Happy's car on the way to school, the weekend had flown by and now he had to face everyone at school.

As Tony's son.

"Alright, we're here kid." Happy announced as they pulled up outside.

"Thanks Uncle Happy." He said, trying to smile but it looked more like a grimace than anything.

"Don't worry about it Pete." The man said, giving a rare smile and driving off as Peter waved.

He looked around and smiled when he saw Ned, walking up to meet him. "Hey man!" the boy greeted, their hands automatically doing their handshake.

"Dude! Your conference was awesome! It was on TV and everything!." Peter nodded shakily and Ned patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry man, anyway we better get to class." They walked into the school and Peter immediately felt the hundreds of eyes on him. He kept his gaze on the floor but he could hear the whispers, thankfully Ned noticed his discomfort and sped up his pace.

Once they made it to the classroom Peter made a bee line for his desk, sitting down as quietly as possible and busying himself with organising his bag.

Thankfully the lesson went alright, nothing but a few stares and whispers, but not at lunch.

Peter was sat next to Ned and MJ eating his food, laughing with Ned while MJ sat reading her impossibly thick book. "-but then I didn't see the spare piece! So the whole time I was loo-"

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