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"Three second head start and you didn't try to run?" Jace came out the other side of the portal, "I'm disappointed."

"How far do you think I was gonna get in three seconds?" I stared at him, "And what's the point? You're just gonna catch me again anyway, right?-"

Jace grabs my arm and shoves me forward to make me keep moving, "Let's go."

"You know, we can run all you want." I walked with him, "It's only a matter of time before the guards from the Clave get to us- and then I'm right back to my execution."

Jace almost laughed at me, "That's why I activated your Anti-Tracking rune."

My jaw clenched, before spinning to look at him, stopping in front of him, "Let me talk to him."

"Please- let me have a minute with him." I stare into his eyes, "I want to talk to him."

Jace took a step towards me, his face inches from mine, "There is no version of this where your Jace wakes up and comes home."

I swallowed hard, my voice low, "Jace, I know you're in there- and I know you hear me. I am- so sorry-"

"We were so close- we were so close to bringing you home, but- she got to us." I felt nothing but guilt in my heart, "But, I will never give up on you- never."

"Who knew you had such a soft side to you?" Jace grabbed my face aggressively, his face close to mine. "The life you knew is gone- you belong to Lilith now."

"Come on!-" He threw me forward, before grabbing my arm, dragging me along with him, "Keep moving."


"Come on." Jace pushes me again when we walked down an alley, "It's not much farther now."

"When are you going to say that and actually be right?-" I stumbled lightly, my eyes falling onto a broken beer bottle next to a few cardboard boxes.

If the Clave doesn't find me, maybe Alec will.

I purposefully tripped, falling right by the glass, grunting lightly, putting my hand over a shard, Jace stopping, "Get up."

"Just give me a minute." I leaned back against the wall, using an excuse to add to my act, "I haven't stopped moving since Valentine's interrogation- do you know what it's like taking on a group of Circle members with a broken wrist?-"

"I'm sure it was light work for you-" Jace gripped my arm and pulled me to my feet aggressively, activating my Stamina rune, "You're gonna need your stamina."

I inhaled sharp when I felt the rush through my body, blinking a few times, as he gripped my arm tightly, pulling me along, "Let's go."

I squeezed the glass in my hand as tight as I could, feeling the wetness of my own blood fill my palm, a smirk falling onto my lips.


"The prodigal sister." A woman who I could only assume was Lilith looked back at me when Jace brought me through an apartment, all the mundanes that had been possessed stood in a row, "Well, this is certainly the welcome surprise-"

"I was not expecting it to be you-" Lilith folds her hands, "I thought I needed to use your sister as bait to lure you here."

"What can I say?" I clicked my tongue, tilting my head lightly to the side, "I look good in an orange jumpsuit."

Lilith slowly looked from me, to the sarcophagus, "The family resemblance is striking."

I blink, "To tell the truth, I just don't see it."

metanoia | alec lightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now