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"Every month, the Gard holds a culling of its death row inmates." I was brought into the cage in the courtyard of the Gard, Jia stood before everyone, "Today, you all have been chosen."

I had spent the night in a cell, before being scrubbed down by two women, my hair tied in a tight braid, and having discarded my clothes, dressed in an orange jumpsuit, my hands cuffed together.

"Charles Freeman." Jia identified when he was brought out of the cage, "Ascend."

"You are guilty of colluding against the Clave with former Consul Malachi Dieudonne, and of killing Clave soldiers." Jia announces to everyone, "Do you have any last words?"

"Long live the Circle." Were his last words, before he was burned alive right in front of us, his screams loud and bloodcurdling, before they scorched body into the ditch right under, making my heart beat rush in fear.


"Trevor Hayes." Jia called forth another prisoner, "You are guilty of violent assault on 13 mundanes."

"Zee?" I hear a whisper from behind me, making me turn my head, "Is that you?

The voice came from Iris Rouse, making me roll my eyes and turn my head back to look at the execution that was just about to happen, "Iris."

"Relax- the cuffs suppress warlock abilities." Iris comes to my side, "I couldn't hurt you if I wanted to, not that I would-"

"I heard what you did, stopping Valentine's wish." Iris looked down at me, "You don't deserve this."

"Like hell." I shot her a look, exhaling slow, shaking my head, "You have no idea what I've done."

"I know that you saved my entire world." Iris shot back at me, "That is all that matters."

I stayed silent, shaking my head again.

She then exhales slow, "After everything I've done, this is how it ends- burned at the stake for not doing magic."

I look at her, "What are you talking about?"

"The Consul moved up my execution because I refused to perform a spell for her." Iris tells me.

"The Clave hires warlocks all the time." I eye her up, "Why ask you?"

"Because necromancy is my specialty." Iris replies, "But- even I know no good would come from resurrecting Valentine Morgenstern."

"Jia asked you to resurrect my father?" My attention was glued to her, "Why the hell would she want that?"

Iris answered my question, "She wanted to question him about a demon."

"Lilith." I huff, "She tried to dig him up."

"But- I said I don't care if Lilith is the devil incarnate." Iris says, "Anyone is better than that Circle bastard."

"He took my Madzie away from me." The words seethed through her teeth, "Let him rot."


"Zee Morgenstern." Jia addressed my name when I was brought out of the cage, two guards leading me down the path, "Ascend."

My heart was racing as I stepped onto the higher platform, staring at her, the thought of being burned alive cemented in my mind.

"You are guilty of using the Angel Raziel's one wish for personal gain and of knowingly deceiving the Clave on the matter." Jia looked up from the scroll she held, "Do you have any last words?"

Like hell was I going down this easy.

The words that came out of my mouth were clear for my intention; to survive, "I know what Iris Rouse refused to do for you- I can do it."

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