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I watched Valentine from the corner, my fork digging into spaghetti that rested in the small container I held.

I was dressed in my normal attire, black ripped jeans, along with a burgundy slim thermal shirt, that was tucked into my jeans, a black leather jacket and black boots on my feet.

My dark hair was straight as usual, and ended mid chest, my tan skin visible in the light, along with my many runes.

"You hate spaghetti without cheese-" Valentine notices the lack there of in the food I was eating, "Was there not any left?"

"No-" I dug into the food ravenously, "It's fine- I don't mind it at the moment."

Valentine puts a strand of my hair behind my ear, before walking over to his table and grabbing a syringe, walking towards the cages he held Downworlders in.

I looked away, not wanting to watch this, especially since I was eating.

Then, a portal opened and back were the men who Valentine sent a few hours ago, this time, with a woman.

I stumble lightly, feeling a wave of dizziness washing over me, closing my eyes for a moment.

Someone flashes before my eyes, someone that I could guess was a warlock, but I wasn't so sure.

"You've returned." Valentine's voice makes me snap back into reality as he was walking over to them and admiring the woman who seemed to be unconscious, "I'm so sorry it had to be this way, Jocelyn."

I place my empty container to the side, wiping my mouth before walking over to them, "Who's she?"

"My latest wife." Valentine breathes deeply, "I told you to bring her back unharmed- what happened?"

"A potion." One told him, "She must have been under the protection of a warlock."

I didn't know any of their names.

I didn't care enough to ask.

"She was in league with the Downworlder, hiding amongst the mundane." The one next to him spoke, "Coward."

"Jocelyn Fairchild was able to hide from the Circle for 18 years." Valentine looked up at him, "Do you think a coward is capable of something like that?"

The man scoffed with spite, "The only thing she's capable of is smelling like a mundane."

Valentine stared at him, "I'm sorry?"

"She betrayed the Circle." He said, "She doesn't deserve our respect."

Then, Valentine punctured the syringe into his neck, emptying whatever contents inside into this body as I watched him scream in pain, his flesh burning in front of my eyes as he took his last breaths.


When his men returned from searching for the Mortal Cup, Valentine was screaming in their face, "I don't see the Mortal Cup!"

"We searched." Pangborn said calmly, "It's not in the loft."

Valentine's teeth were gritted, "Just because you couldn't find it doesn't mean it isn't there."

"There's a daughter." Pangborn stammered, "She looks just like Jocelyn- her name's Clarissa Fairchild. There's no sign of the father, could be a mundane."

Valentine stared at him in astonishment, "Jocelyn has a daughter?"

"Well, in that case, I'd like to speak to Jocelyn's daughter." Valentine inhales sharply, before turning towards our newest prisoner resuming his conversation with her.

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