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Clary stares into Jace's eyes as they held the Mortal Cup in their hands, "It just looks like a wine glass."

I was dressed in a forest green thermal button front crop top that were tucked into black ripped jeans, black combat boots on my feet.

I sat on a table, chewing on a piece of gum as I watched them, running a hand through my straightened hair, trading glances at Alec, who's back was to me, facing the monitor.

Jace's eyes lingered with Clary's, "That wine glass saved your life."

They had been like this ever since they kissed, and at this point, I just wanted to kill myself so I didn't have to suffer seeing any more of it.

"What if- what if I hadn't gotten the Cup out in time?" Clary softly questions, "That demon-"

"But- you did." Jace cut her off, "First rule of Shadowhunting when something explodes, just keep walking, never think twice- never look away."

The corners of her mouth turned up into a smile, "And what's the second rule?"

I hopped off the table and walked over to them, grabbing the Mortal Cup from between them and pretending to drink from it, letting out a breathy slurp, holding it up, "That, it's not a wineglass, because if it was- I'd be drunk in complete luxury."

"Oh, and- if you keep acting like that around me, I will slit my own throat." I could see Alec softly smiling at me from the corner of my eye.

Isabelle uses her whip to grab the Mortal Cup form me, "Don't forget there's nothing a Shadowhunter can't do in heels."

I smirked at her, as Jace walked over to Alec, us following him, "Alec, what are you doing? You can stare at this monitor all you want, they need angel blood to get past the wards."

"You know that-" Jace continued as Clary places the Cup back into tarot card, "No Downworlder can come into the Institute."

Isabelle leans against the table, "Not without an invite by a Shadowhunter."

"Last I checked, Valentine is a Shadowhunter." Alec spun to face us, "The Cup is not safe here- we have to give it back to the Clave."

"Give it back to the Clave?" Clary blurts out, "No!"

"That was uncalled for." I sat on the table once more, looking at her, "Who do you think you are to make that decision?"

"We can't give it back-" Clary shook her head, "Not after everything we went through to get it."

"My brother is right." Isabelle sides with Alec, "The Cup is extremely important."

Alec looked at Isabelle, "Are you agreeing with me?"

Isabelle shrugs lightly, "I'm full of surprises."

"Knowing my father, he'll send an army to get the Cup back." I played with the ring on my finger, "The longer we have it in possession, the longer we're at risk- and, handing it over to the Clave will piss him off- so, that's a plus for me.

"Sounds like you're warming up to us after all." Jace crosses his arm and began smiling at me, "You just referred to all of us without excluding yourself."

"You guys are stuck with me until I get my memories back." I ran my hand through my hair, flipping it to the side, "Might not be very long until my father comes for the Cup and takes me with him."

Alec looks at me, "That's not going to happen."

Isabelle interjects as well, "We're not going to let him take you again."

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