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I was soaked.

I could feel the sand in my boots.

The scratches on my body ached.

And most importantly, I couldn't find Jace.

I needed a phone, I needed to call Isabelle, or Alec, I needed to fill them in on what had happened.

My heart raced at the thought of hearing either one of their voices again because of how much I missed them both.

Something I would never admit to either of them.

I walked into a bar, one that was label the Hunters Moon, looking around at the people scattered.

"Well, you look like you could use a drink." A feminine voice filled my ears, my head snapping towards the bartender, "And a towel."

I looked down and walked further in, swallowing, "Uh- no, just your phone."

She pulled up a glass, "I'd ask what happened to yours, but- I'm guessing it got wet."

"Spot on." I sarcastically scoffed, stopping and looking at her, "It's- a long story."

"Well, I'm stuck here all night, and besides, I hear Shadowhunters love to hear themselves talk." She poured up a cocktail into the glass and looked at me, "What, you didn't think I would recognize those runes on the back of your neck?"

"You're clearly observant." I eyed her, then notice the claw scratch on her neck, "And a werewolf."

"Typically, the phone is for paying customers, but I'm feeling generous, so-" She pushed the cocktail and the phone towards me, "On the house."

"Uh, thanks." I picked up the phone, looking at her, not knowing what to call her, "Uhm-"

"Maia." She smirked, "It's nice to meet you."

I nodded once and grabbed the phone, pressing in Isabelle's number, dialing it, walking over by the window, closing my eyes, whispering, "Pick up-"

After two rings, my parabatai's familiar voice filled the line, "Hello?"

"Izzy-" I exhale deeply, looking out the window, my voice lowered, "It's me-"

"Zee? Oh my god-" Isabelle almost gasped at the sound of my voice, "Are you okay?"

"Just- a little damp." I exhale deeply, putting a strand of my wet hair behind my ear, "Iz, listen- Jace and I escaped Valentine's ship- but, I don't know where he is- I lost him when I hit the water."

Isabelle sounded worried, inhaling, "Zee, we need to get Jace to Alec."

"What?" I ask, "Why?"

"He tried tracking Jace with his parabatai rune, so that he could find you both- but now, it's like he's stuck in some kind of nightmare and can't wake up." Isabelle's words made my heart drop.

"That's why Jace was acting so weird before we jumped off the ship-" I pinch the bridge of my nose, my eyes slightly widening, "Wait- if Alec's in this state- Jace wouldn't have been able to swim if he was experiencing the same thing- Izzy-"

"Jace is alive." Isabelle assured me, "Alec's parabatai rune hasn't faded-"

"Okay." I inhaled, "That's good- I- I'll find Jace, and we'll get there."

"But- you can't." Clary's voice suddenly filled the line, "The Clave still wants you dead."

"Yeah, well, who doesn't?" I scoffed deeply, rolling my eyes, "They can get in line."

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