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Isabelle sighs when her, Jace and I were heading to Sebastian's apartment, "Zee, don't-"

"No, I didn't trust him from the beginning-" I scoffed lightly, tightening my low pony tail, "I knew something was up with him, and I let my guard down- I should've went with my gut."

"Zee, don't put this all on yourself." Jace places a hand on my back, knowing that it was all I did, "He would've found his way into our lives, one way or another."

I mumbled, "Yeah, whatever-"

"The only thing that matters now is taking Jonathan and Valentine out." Jace said, before pulling his seraph blade out as he headed up to the apartment.

I kicked the door open, my kindjals in my grip, staring at Sebastian's back as he sat in a chair, "Jonathan!"

Jace was at my side, "Turn around and face us-"

"Where is Valentine?" Isabelle held her staff tight.

When Isabelle got no response, she slowly used her staff to push him lightly, revealing Sebastian's lifeless body.

"He's been dead for days." Jace notices, taking a step, "Tortured first."

I exhale slow, "This was the real Sebastian Verlac."

"Ave atque vale." Jace went quiet.

Isabelle and I recite, "Hail and farewell."

Suddenly, Sebastian leaps from his seat and grips onto the wall, making Jace's eyes go wide, "It's a possessing demon-"

When he launched for us, Jace knocked him to the ground as I pierced both kindjals into him, him screeching, the demon fogging out and dying, Sebastian's dead body laying there.

Isabelle stares down the body, "We'll make 'em pay for what they did to you-"

I exhale slow, "We're going to make them pay for everything."


"Have you notified the Verlac family yet?" asked Inquisitor Herondale through the video chat that was set up in Alec's office, one that Jace and I were a part of.

Alec nods once, "The Penhallow daughter, Aline, will deliver the message in person, Madame Inquisitor."

"Defiling the body of a fallen soldier and turning it into a booby trap is sadly par for the course for Valentine, isn't it?" Inquisitor Herondale spoke.

"The possessing demon wouldn't have done this its own." Alec tells her, "The trap could only have been set using the Mortal Cup to command it."

Inquisitor Herondale scoffs, "So, he had it all along."

Alec only nodded once, "And our intel shows he's also in possession of the Mortal Sword."

Inquisitor Herondale huffs, "Do you have any good news for me today, Mr. Lightwood?"

"Valentine and Jonathan believe that the New York Institute is in possession of the Mortal Mirror." Alec brought up, "They won't leave the city without it."

Inquisitor Herondale sighs quietly, "Thank the Angel that at least he wasn't able to find that."

"We were." Alec looked back at me, "Zee."

"Believe it or not, my connection with the Angel led us to it." My hands were behind my back, "It's in Idris- the mirror is Lake Lyn."

"That's the very same water that Raziel first rose from." Inquisitor Herondale looked shocked, "Who else knows about this?"

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