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"Bastard-" I cussed under my breath that morning when I saw the time on the clock that told me it was the afternoon, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as I stumbled right out of bed. "Alexander!"

"That's the first time I've ever heard you say my full name." Alec appeared in the doorway of our bedroom, leaning against the frame and crossing his arms. "What is it? Am I in trouble?"

"Yes." I dropped my fists to my sides, unsurprised to see he was here. "You let me sleep in again— I have a job-"

"Actually, I benched you, remember?" Alec reminded me. "Because you're still healing."

"Well then, I demand you unbench me." I walked over to the our closet and pulled out a pair of jeans and a plain t shirt to change into and out of Alec's t shirt I wore; a t shirt so large on me that it practically reached my knees. "I'm your best Shadowhunter-"

Alec agreed. "I know."

"I can handle a herd of demons in minutes-" I continued. "And I do an excellent job at any assignment you assign to me!"

"I'm aware." Alec nodded along with me.

"So why won't you let me get back onto the field?" I tossed my clothes onto the bed and faced him. "I'm ready-"

"Like I said before." Alec pushed himself off the frame and walked into our bedroom. "You're still healing. I don't want you out there like this. By the Angel, Zee- the medics said the scar on your neck was going to take days to heal because of how deep your cut was."

"I've had my throat slit before." I pointed out. "Matter of fact— it was Jonathan who did it."

"That doesn't make me feel any better." Alec stopped in front of me, putting his hands on my shoulders. "No missions until you're at your best again."

"At least give me an assignment." I had to tilt my head back to look up at him due to the extremely noticeable height difference. "I don't like being stuck at home all the time. Especially when you're at the Institute all the time-"

Alec points out and gestured his head toward the clock. "I visit you during lunch."

"That's not enough." I argued, scanning his face a few times. "Please?"

"Fine." Alec let his hands slide down my arms and grab my hands. "Only if you agree to have dinner with me tonight."

"Dinner?" I repeated.

"Yes, dinner." Alec intertwined our fingers. "On the balcony, view of the city- the head chef can prepare something special."

"What's the occasion?" I questioned.

"There's no occasion." Alec looked down at our hands and swung them lightly. "I just thought it would be nice- for the two of us."

I stare at him suspiciously. "Really?"

"What?" Alec locked eyes with me again. "I can't do something nice with my girlfriend?"

"It's not typically our style." I reminded him and scanned his face. "Plus, I don't think I'm really- date- material with this scar across my throat."

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