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"Hey, am I late?" I whispered to Isabelle and Jace, after quickly rushing in at the briefing, noticing Alec's expression calming when he saw me, "I overslept-"

Isabelle places a hand on my back, "Right on time-"

"We've lost seven of our own, but- we can't allow a single, radical Seelie to define the entire Downworld, any more than we can allow Valentine to define all Shadowhunters." Alec stood in front of everyone at the briefing, "So, to restore unity with our allies, I will be hosting regular Cabinet meetings here with the Downworld leaders of New York."

"I'm all for unity." I heard Lindsay whisper next to me, "But- does he have to bring them here?"

"What do you expect?" Duncan whispered back to her, "Not only is he sleeping with Valentine's daughter- but, she's best friends with a warlock."

"Still can't believe Alec Lightwood is in charge." Lindsay scoffed quietly, "He's changing everything up to get laid- and out of all people, Valentine's daughter-"

"She's hot- I don't blame him." Duncan shrugged, "Just wait- in a week, it'll be someone else."

I pulled my sleeves up, Jace immediately grabbing my arm, his voice low, "No fights-"

I looked at him, whispering right back, "Who said I was going to fight anyone?"

"I know that look." Jace shot me a look, "Tell me-"

I roll my eyes and slightly gestured my head towards Lindsay and Duncan, so he could listen in on their whispers.

"Please, let's make the Downworlders feel welcome." I heard Alec dismiss everyone, stepping down from the higher platform.

"She's the reason he's doing all of this- he's changing how everything runs around here." Lindsay scoffed to Duncan, "If I were his girlfriend, I'd-"

"Alright, that's it-" I pulled my arm from Jace's grip and landed a solid right on Lindsay's jaw, right before twisting her arm behind her back and pushing her down against the closest table, "Now, that you've got my attention- why don't you say that a little louder for me?"

Jace didn't even protest, grabbing Duncan and pinning him down right next to Lindsay, "What did you say? I couldn't quite hear you-"

"Zee- Jace!" Alec rushed over to us, Clary and Isabelle by him, "What're you doing?-"

"Tell her to let me go!" Lindsay cries out, "I didn't even do anything- it was completely unprovoked!"

"I don't act unless I'm provoked, sweetheart-" I pulled her back and pushed her up against the pillar, my hands gripping her collar, "Listen to me, because I'm only going to say this once-"

"You say another word about me- or him, I will personally come after you myself." I stared at her dead in the eye, "You're messing with the wrong person- don't test me."

"Same goes for you-" Jace shoved Duncan to the ground, "Don't you ever talk about her- or him, every again- because you won't see the end of it."

When Duncan and Lindsay rush away, I looked back at Alec who was staring at me, "What? I had to wait until you were done- I didn't want to ruin it."

"We had good reasoning." Jace put his hands up on surrender, then changes the subject quick, "Look at you- in charge for a week, you're already shaking things up- I think this Cabinet thing is a good idea."

Alec stares at us for a moment, then sighs through his nose, "Yeah, I'm not sure everyone agrees."

"All the more reason to do it." Clary said, offering, "How can I help?"

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