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I inhaled sharply when I felt sunlight hit the top of my eyelids, my cheek against some sort of surface, in someone's embrace.

I was covered in a blanket, and there was a sharp pain in my head, my entire body feeling too comfortable too move.

My eyes slowly open, immediately shielding myself away from the light, burning my face in what I thought was a pillow.

Except, it wasn't.

It was someone's chest.

My face twists in confusion, slowly lifting my head up to see Alec Lightwood, his eyes closed, holding a tight grip on me.

A small smirk fell onto my lips, gently laying my head back onto his chest, enjoying the unintentional embrace.

When he pulls me even closer, there's a pang in my heart that I didn't recognize.

Then, his eye crack open lightly, my eyes immediately shutting to make it look like I was still asleep.

A small yawn left his lips, and suddenly I could hear his heartbeat accelerate from resting my head on his chest.

His hand began running through my hair slowly, playing with it as if he was letting me sleep for as long as I wanted, not wanting to make any moves to wake me up.

My heart began to beat faster.

I adapted to him playing with my hair, almost falling back asleep due to how much I liked it.

I pretended to yawn a few long minutes later when the feeling was too much for me, opening my eyes lightly, looking up at him.

I blink, pretending to be caught off guard, "Oh-"

"Hey." Alec's voice was deep and raspy, moving his hand from my hair and running it through his own messy hair.

"I guess we fell asleep after drinks." I leaned my head back on his chest, too lazy to move, "I'm actually enjoying this."

In that moment, Alec's eyes were locked with mine.

Until, realization crosses his expression and he was getting up, "Wait, what time is it? I have to get back to the Institute."

"Wow-" I fell into the bed when he was no longer under me, slowly forcing myself up into a sitting position, "You really know how to ruin a moment."

Alec grabs his jacket, slipping his on, looking at me, "I- I'll see you at the Institute."

Alec stammers for a moment, then leaves me alone in the room.

I sighed and got up, running a hand through my messy hair and walking outside into the hall.

Jace was walking towards me from the living room, "Hey, sleeping beauty, we gotta go."

"Go where exactly?" I question, stretching, "And before we go anywhere, I need a change of clothes and to brush my teeth."

Magnus joins us, "And to tame the mess on your head-"

I looked at him, "Thank you, for that."

"Clary knows where the Cup is, you, Luke and I are gonna go to precinct to get it." Jace's words shocked me due to how he was trusting me on this, "We're leaving now."

I had to admit, I was enjoying my time with them.

It was more entertaining than being with my father, and if anything, I wasn't going to please him with the Mortal Cup when he screwed me over the most.

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