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"It's no use trying to escape." Isabelle's voice filled my ears when I entered Magnus' apartment after leaving for a few minutes for some air, "The trap you're in was designed to hold a Greater Demon."

"Well, that's not very nice, trapping your brother in a box." Jace remarked from inside the cage.

"You're not our brother." Alec shot back at him, "And don't get too comfortable 'cause we're gonna bring him back."

"You and your undying love for your parabatai- I hate to burst your bubble, but- when I was sent to your family in Idris, I was a desperate kid." Jace was taunting him, "The only reason I became your parabatai was to make sure there was a roof over my head."

"Pay no mind to him." I heard Magnus say as I took off my jacket, picking up the drink I barely touched, "He's just trying to get under your skin."

Isabelle's voice followed, "Is Zee back yet?-"

"I'm here." I walked into the room, downing my drink in one gulp, not even reacting to the burn, my eyes glued to Jace, silence filling the room when I had walked in.

Alec's eyes were glued to me.

But, I didn't even glance at him.

"How's the wrist, sweetheart?" Jace smirked at me, "Hope I didn't hurt you too bad-"

I didn't say anything, as Luke and Simon bursted in, "We got your call- any news about Clary?"

Simon charged toward Jace, the barrier separating them, "She gave herself up to the Clave trying to protect you!-"

"Oh- come on," Jace softly laughs at Simon, shaking his head, "Only when she knew they were doomed-"

"You never got your redemption-" Jace fake pouted at me, before eyeing me up for a moment, biting down on his lower lip, locking eyes with Simon again, "She's gonna be rotting in the cell for the rest of her life and for what- love? Wasn't even her love that snapped me back into reality- it was her older sisters-"

"Let me in there!" Simon threw himself the cage, "I'll throw you off a building!-"

"Come on!" Luke grabbed his arm and pulled him into another room, as we all followed him, "Come on, Simon- the Jace in that trap is not our Jace."

"We need to focus- all right?" Luke made himself clear as Magnus shut the door, "If the Clave finds out about Zee's wish to Raziel, it won't be long until they're storming in here and taking her away-"

I raised my brows once, "Well, wouldn't be the first time the Clave had it out for my head."

"All right." Luke inhales, "Do we have anybody in Idris that can get us information?"

"Well, we stole from the Clave's armory." Alec came to a stop next to me, but I didn't look at him, "So, if they've figured that out-"

Isabelle exhales, "They're not gonna tell us anything."

"So- what's plan B?" Simon asked.

"I'm gonna try to get some more intel on Clary." Luke says, "The best thing you can do? Go back to that abandoned building and see if you can find some clues."

"No-" Simon denies, "I'm not going on a demon hunt while my best friend is in prison!"

"Simon-" Isabelle cuts in, "Clary risked everything to save Jace- you want to do something for her? Help destroy the demon that caused all this mess."

Simon huffs lightly, "But- I want to know as soon as you hear anything."

"You got it." Luke nodded once.

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