Chapter 67 - Catalyst: Heroes' Day

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The Mediterranean Sea Castle, Underwater

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"WHERE IS IT?!" (A/n) said. She was frantically looking for a bracelet passed down from our ancestors in her old room.

"Here." I said holding onto the bracelet in my hand.

"Thank you starfish." She said as she came next to me to take her bracelet. We were packing up, going back on land to France for the big day; The Wedding.

"Now, are you sure, you got everything from here before you go back to a life on land, with lies?" I said. My aunt sighs and says; "How many times do I have to tell you? He can never know or else he will be in more danger if I kept the responsibilities of being a princess or a queen for a matter of fact."

I know I kept asking and questioning her decisions about leaving the mermaid life. But, I can't imagine someone who would want to be removed from this life too. I mean, I wanted to live on land, but I also want to live my other life underwater. It will happen eventually, but since my aunt gave up her position as the queen, making my father take the throne instead of her as the prince of the Mediterranean sea. And who would be the next in line? That's right, me.

As my aunt swam away from my room, Kohaku swam out from my seashell and swam next to me. He asked; "(Y/n), are you okay?"

"Oh yeah. Just kinda nervous. It's been a while since I've seen my land friends." I said as I swam towards my window. I looked at the other kids playing outside. Kohaku asked; "What about your friends here?"

"Actually, I didn't have friends my age, if that's what you're asking." I said. I grabbed a flower that was floating around. I stared at it and continued telling him. "As a young princess and the future queen, having friends is kinda difficult. I met with a lot of young merfolk and played with them, but friends? I had to study a lot and prepare myself for being the next in line."

"But you are still young. Why are you studying to be a queen already?" Kohaku said. I looked out the window and said; "I could never remember my grandparents. They died when father was 12 years old. My aunt was 19 years old and since she was at an age to rule, she was to be next in line to the throne. But she had wanted to choose the life on land rather than carrying out the responsibilities of a queen underwater. Since she did not have an heir or a partner to take the throne, the next in line would be my father. Of course, my father was still young to take over the throne. My aunt actually found a councillor to stand in position to help him until he was of age to take over the throne. But he didn't have any idea of what it meant to be a King.

"That's why you are almost finished with your queen studies right? To be prepared to take the throne when your time is next." Kohaku said.

"Yeap." I said with a said tone. There is no one else who will be taking the throne. My mother could not, even if she wanted to. She is of a different species and with her being a siren, it will be riskier for others to take over the throne. I let go of the flower in my hand as it floated away. I swam away from the window and continued to pack my things up to go back on land. At least I get to meet my friends on land again... and above land. Still I can't believe what's been going on on land, I mean getting a message that Chloe Bourgeois had been the Miraculous holder of the Bee? I thought it was a joke at first, but as I kept on reading the letter from Marinette, I had to make sure not take it as a joke.

----------------------- A few days later: the Wedding Day (a.k.a. Heroes' Day)--------------------------

France, Paris, Ocean's home

Today's the day. The day my Aunt and Luke are getting married. I was looking at my bridesmaid dress and said out loud to Kohaku; "Today's the day. The day my aunt will finally be living her dream on land for the rest of her life."

Koi Fish; A new hero in Paris (Chat Noir x Reader!Mermaid)Where stories live. Discover now