Chapter 14 - Horrificator

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Collège Françoise Dupont.
(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"Agent Smith, it's too dangerous. We must evacuate!" Adrien said. Mylène said; "You are suggesting we run, Officer Jones? After it devoured my family, my friends, even my beloved dog, Sniffles? Never! I won't run! I no longer fear it, I'm going to face it, then I'll-Wahh!"

"Cut!" said Nino. Mylène hides under the desk, scared. My class and I were filming a short movie for the Parisian Student Short Film Festival, which is tomorrow. I was standing next to Marinette. Ivan said; "Sorry Mylène."

"Mylène, that's like the tenth take, and we're only on the first scene!" Nino said. Alix, holding a director board, said; "Fourteenth actually, but it was counting."

Nino was pissed. Mylène said; "I'm sorry... I'm gonna do better on the next take... I promise."

"Anyone want some tea?" said Rose. Nino said; "You're playing a hero from the special forces, you're not supposed to get all freaked out!"

"I know, but... that monster mask he's wearing is so realistic and scary!" Mylène said, still hiding under the desk. Ivan tried to encourage her and said; "Just big old me, Mylène! Nothing to be scared of."

"You ask me? He doesn't even need a mask!" Chloé said as she and Sabrina laugh. I said; "What a bratty snob!"

"Ivan, put the mask back on, you're playing the monster! And Mylène, we need you to stay in character." Nino said. Ivan puts the monster mask on but Mylene is still getting scared. Mylène said; "I need to sing my happy song, it always makes me feel better... Smelly wolf, smelly wolf, stinky breath and slimy--(bumps into Adrien) Ahh!"

"And the Oscar for best pathetic scaredy-cat afraid of its own shadow goes to... Mylène!" Chloé said and laughs. If only I could freeze her mouth shut. Adrien said; "Chloé, seriously?"

"Yeah, so what?" Chloé said. Then Mylène runs away from our class room, crying. I said; "Mylène! Anyone gonna go after her?"

"Mylenè, wait!" Ivan said as he takes his monster mask off and runs after her. Nino is angry, no, furious at Chloé for making fun of Mylène. Nino said; "Epic, Chloé! Just epic! What are we supposed to do now without our leading actress?"

"Who needs her anyway? She was totally lame!" She said. Then Ivan's voice was heard at the door, saying; "You're lame! Mylène is crying her eyes out on the bathroom thanks to you!"

"Me, lame?" She said. Then Marinette stopped them and said; "Hey, hey! Everyone chill out! You're right, Chloé is lame. But fighting isn't gonna bring Mylène back. I'm the producer, and I'm gonna do everything in my power to finish filming tonight!"

"The deadline for the Parisian Student Short Film Festival is tomorrow evening, presicely 26 hours, 15 minutes and 14, 13 seconds from now." Said Max. Marinette said; "Thank you, Max! And we still have editing, post-sound, soundtrack..."

"And who's gonna take Mylene's part?" Adrien said. Chloé stood up and said; "Um, me of course!"

"You haven't even read the script!" Alya said. While Chloé was waking over to Adrien, she said; "Of course I have! The first scene anyway. I can even tell you that it ends with a kiss between Agent Smith and Officer Jones!"

I screamed as I imagined Chloé and Adrien kissing. After Alya poked my face, I told her; "You wrote that?!"

"Hold up! I didn't write that!" She said as she sees the script. Then Nino said; "Uh... I wrote it. It was just a little tweak. You know, to move the story forward."

"What! You added at my script without even telling me? That's low!" Alya said angrily. Nino corrected her and said; "Wait a minute! You mean our script!"

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