Chapter 23 - Ice Skater

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Y/n)'s house, classroom

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

It was 6:00 pm and I was done from my ballet class, and as everyone was preparing to go home, Emily, one of my ballet classmates, said to us; "Hey, have you guys heard about the new ice skating rink called 'Patinoire de Boulogne-Billancourt'?"

"Yeh! People say that it's amazing." Sarah, another ballet classmate of mine, said. I said to them; "In fact, our school is taking us there for a day."

"Seriously? I'm so jealous." Bruno, another classmate of mine, said. Then Travis asked me; "So, when are you going?"

"Oh, we're going tomorrow." I said to them. As everyone packed their stuff and wore their clothes, Leonard said to me; "Well, have fun (Y/n). See ya next week. Bye"

"Bye!" Emily, Sarah, Bruno and Travis said as they head out to go home. I said to them; "Bye guys!"

As I headed upstairs to the kitchen to make dinner, which was (Y/f/d- Your favourite dinner), (A/n) came upstairs to help me. As dinner was done, we cleaned up and put the dirty dishes in the washing machine. Good thing that they exist or else my aunt and I might have to turn into mermaids everyday just by washing the dishes in the sink. As we were done, I told her; "I'm gonna go take a bath and then I'm going upstairs in my room to prepare for tomorrow. Oh, and I'll do my lunch for tomorrow. So don't worry about waking up early just to make lunch for me."


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"Ok. If you need anything, just tell me." (A/n) said. After I was done from the bathroom to clean up all the sweat, I dried myself with a towel and when my legs appeared, I wore my underwear and my pyjamas. As I went upstairs to my room, I started preparing my stuff for tomorrow. I prepared a pair of socks, white shirt, grey jacket, blue scarf, black leggings, a pair of boots and a pair of black gloves on the desk so I can wear them tomorrow.

In my bag, I prepared my wallet, tablet, portable charger with the wire, bobby pins, hair ties, house keys, roll-on deodorant, earphones and a towel, not only for the sweat, but also just in case I get wet, you know cause of the ice. I'll prepare my lunch and bottle water tomorrow. As soon as I was done, I checked the time on my phone and it was 22:00. Kōhaku was on my pillow, where he usually sleeps. He was getting sleepy and as I went to my bed and pulled the covers over me, my aunt knocked on the door. Kōhaku quickly hid under my bed as she opened the door. She said to me from the door; "Hey guppy. Are you excited for tomorrow?"

"Yeh, but I'm kinda nervous. How can I not? It's the first time I'm going to ice skate." I said to her. She said to me; "Don't be nervous. You're quite a fast learner considering that you're a mermaid. Anyways, good night."

"Good night." I said to her as she closed the door. As Kōhaku appeared next to my bed and laid on my pillow. He said to me; "Don't worry (Y/n)! It's not the first time you're skating on ice. You even ice skate while fighting villians."

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