Chapter 62 - Troublemaker

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The Ocean's Apartment, The Studio

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I still can't believe that that Jagged Stone asked me if he wanted to shot a new episode of Fill my Shoes featuring my aunt. The episode was being filmed live at our classroom, as my aunt had her 4th graders at the studio. In the studio, there was Alec the host, Jagged, Penny, the cameraman, the sound girl, Bob, (A/n), the 4th graders and Luke. You know Luke, my aunt's boyfriend.

((A/n)'s ballet clothes, her hair in a bun)

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((A/n)'s ballet clothes, her hair in a bun)

((A/n)'s ballet clothes, her hair in a bun)

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A crowd of cheering Jagged Stone fans is gathered outside. is introducing a television program and said; "Welcome to '!' You're joining us live in a new episode, and our guest today is the one and only Jagged Stone!"

'Rock and Roll, yeah!' Jagged sings while playing air guitar. Alec said; "Filling the shoes of...a dance teacher!"

"Yo, Rockers!" Jagged said. Alec said; "And a big thanks to (A/n) Ocean for having us here in her dance studio, the best in Paris, I might add."

Alec gestures (A/n) to come over. She chuckles nervously, before speaking on-screen, saying; "Uhh...hello!"

Me, my classmates, Bob, Penny and the camera crew are off to the side. Luke approaches them holding a tray of croissants. He said; "Excuse me, would you like some hot croissants?"

Bob takes a croissant as he, the camera crew and Penny walk way. I walk up next to Luke, who looks worried and turns to me. Luke; "I'm not sure it was such a good idea to let them film the show here, daring."

"Of course it was, Luke. Jagged asked specifically to come here! You realize how good this is gonna be for the academy? And (A/n)'s gonna become a bigger celebrity!" I said to him. Luke said; "Well, for a celebrity, she looks pretty nervous."

Jagged tries to help a 4th grader stretch his leg, but he overdoes it. (A/n) corrects him and said; "No, no! You have the right energy, Jagged. You just need to be gentle. Haha, hi! More like this."

Koi Fish; A new hero in Paris (Chat Noir x Reader!Mermaid)Where stories live. Discover now