7:Out With The Boys

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 ~~ Belle  ~~

I chewed on my gum nervously, tasting only it's sickly, bubble gum flavor.  My ears were a bit cold, since my hair was up.  The cream scarf around my neck was tightly wrapped, almost choking me.

"Neeear, faaar, wheree eveeeeeer you areeee!!", Izzy sang tone deathly, beside me. Our small feet carrying us to the center of the mall. 

"Where are they!?", I huffed, my eyes still searching for Niall's small blond head, or Liam's bob.

"My heart will gooo oooooon!"

'Izzy!!", I snapped, making her laugh loudly.

"Jeez, relax!  Louis said he was on his way", she sighed at me, as we plopped down on the fountain's edge.

I really didn't like shopping, but if the guys tagged along I didn't mind, except of course Harry would be dragged along with the boys.  My lips pressed together, remembering the last time I saw him.  Just thinking about his cool, soft lips kissing my forehead gave me chills.  I rolled my eyes at the thought.  Don't get so jumpy.  It's just Harry, I mean of course there's nothing special about-

Just then, someone called, immediatley breaking my train of thought.  "Izzy!!", our heads both snapped in the direction of the masculine voice.  A huge smile sat on Louis face.

"Lou!!", she yelled, running towards him.  His long, fit arms picked her petite body up.

"Oh God...", I rolled my dirt colored eyes.

I jumped when I heard Harry whisper behind me, his husky voice making my heart jump, "Yeah, they were together yesterday, and they act like they haven't seen each other in years."

"Jesus, Harry!  You scared me!", I huffed, attempting to collect my emotions.

"Sorry!", he smiled at me.  His pink lips, placed a kiss on my cheek.  His body, came closer to give me a hug.  I flinched, as his muscular arms wrapped around my small back.  Awkwardly, I wrapped my arms around his neck in return, and tried not to freak at his foreign touch. 

"Um...  Babe, you can let go now..", he said.

My arms raced back to my sides and I stepped away from him.  He shook his head, as he cutely chuckled.  "S-sorry", I giggled lightly, feeling the strange flush light up my cheeks..  I stared up at Harry, smile on my lips, trying to memorize every flawless feature of his. 

"You two are adorable!", a feminine voice squealed.  My head jerked in the direction of the voice and I could feel, once again, another blush coming on.

"Emma!", I cheerfully yelled, giving the girl a hug.

"Hey Bells!" , she chuckled, returning my hug.

"How are you?!", I asked, staring at her wild, curly hair.

"I'm good.  Liam told me to stop by and meet up witth you guys.", she looked over at Harry, and I turned back around, facing the cheeky lad.

Emma was Liam's cousin, although she looked nothing like him, with her light brown skin, making her always looke tan.  We all had met her at Liam's 16th birthday party, where she stuffed herself full of cake.  I smiled fondly at the memory.  Those were the days...

"Hey Em.", he smirked, as she gritted her teeth.

"Hmm , so you and Harold, huh?", she questioned, glancing between the two of us.

I sighed, as she grabbed my arm.  "Yep.", I smiled towards him.  Emma's never been fond of Harry, since I told her about our foggy past.

She gave me a look before saying, "So where's the rest of the jolly crew?"

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