24:Lingering Thoughts

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 ~~ Izzy ~~

"One-hundred and one, one-hundred and two," I said, counting the falling raindrops.  I was trying to do anything to distract myself. 

I wiped away at the cool glass, and received a glimpse of what was my empty drive way, which never seemed to have a car in it anymore.  My parents were barely home, which was perfect, because I've been skipping school.

No one came to find me, or even to know if I was still alive.  Sure, I got a few texts from the boys and I only got one lettered text from Belle, but no one wanted to find me.

At least. . .  Not the person I wanted to.

I took a small breath, shaking the sorrow off my back, my short, stubby legs stretching on my red colored sheets.  My body jumping to the  carpet floor, deciding I was not going to lie the whole day in bed.

I made my way down the hall and I passed a mirror.  Stopping, I turned around and stared into it.  And for a moment, I thought I saw a glimpse of him.  But I shook my eyes, and walked down the stairs, feeling the longing in my heart. 

As I made my way into the kitchen, the doorbell rang.  My light green eyes widened at the foreign sound.  "What the hell?" I murmured, freezing on the fourth step.

*DING DONG* It rang again, and I cursed under my breath, quietly walking down the remaining steps. *DING DONG*  I growled under my breath as the doorbell rang a few more times.

"God dammit!  This person isn't really gonna give it up are they?" I hissed and walked closer to the peek hole to see who it was.

I stood on my tippy toes, ready to fling open this door and tell this bastard to go away.  But as soon as my eyes laid on their face, I forgot how to breathe.

"Why the hell-?" I blurted out, and tried to open the golden colored knob, my fingers shaking the minute I managed to open the door.

And the second I did, his warm hazel eyes greeted me.  My lips parted as the rain continued to hit his tan face.  He breathed a bit too hard, placing his hands on his knees.

Water dripped from is dark colored hair.  The rest of his clothes were wet, and seemed like he'd been running in the rain for hours.

"Zayn," I whispered, watching him take a few deep breaths. "What the hell are you doing here?"

He chuckled a bit, still not answering my question and I crossed my arms slowly.  His hazel eyes looked up at me and with a lazy smirk he panted, "I – I did it."

I gave him an eyebrow, opening the screen door.  "Jesus, you are soaking wet.  C'mon, let's get you inside."  I put my hand on his toned arm and pulled him in.  I walked off to go get a towel and found on the plastic-covered, floral couch.

He chuckled quietly to himself, not knowing I was standing across from him.  I moved closer and held out the towel.  His eyes were now shut and I could see the tiny drops of water linger in his eye lashes.

 "You don't get it do you?" he whispered, still out of breath.  His dark colored hair flopping to the side of face, cold drops of rain running down his ivory skin.

I stared at him for a long minute trying to realize what he really meant.  Taking the towel, I begin to mop the rain of his forehead.  "I don't know what you are talking about, idiot." I gave him a small smile, wiping his cheek bones.

"I finally got what I wanted."  He gave me a lazy smirk, my eyes squinting at his words.

"Ah. . . and what is that?" I chuckled nervously as I looked back at him.  His eyes were shut again, and his smile was even bigger.  A million thoughts raced through my head, some told me I should have let him stand in the rain.  I should have never even opened the door. . . but I could not; I had to.  It was irresistible.

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