4: Bippity Boppity Boo

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~~ Belle ~~

I sighed, clutching my heavy, leather bag in my hand.  My messy bun moved up and down to the rhythm of which I was walking.  I hurried to keep up with Izzy, who was speed walking down the hall.

"So let me get this straight, it was Zayn's girlfriend's party?" Liam blurted out in shock as he walked with Izzy and I.

Izzy was a all frowns and no smile today.  I'm surprised she's not acting like her nut-job self. 

"Yeah, it was," she clenched her jaw and flashed us an angry, pouty frown.

"Wait. . .  Zayn has a girlfriend?" I stared at both of them, completely confused.  They rolled their eyes.  Was it that obvious I wasn't paying attention?

"Yes he does!  And the day he decides to tell me she even exists, was the day I had decided to confess my dumb ass love for him!" she clenched her pale fists and punched a nearby locker.

"I thought you said you LIKED him not LOVED him," I joked.

"Shut up!  You're not helping!"

"Sorry," I whispered, frowning a bit.

But I wasn't really sorry.  I was just confused.  I guess it was, because I had never felt the that.  Ever.  I had never been good with guys or been good enough for them.  I've never even had my first kiss for crying out loud!  I guess I just never really worried about the lack of attention from boys.  I mean, they would always be there and I never expected them to like me back.  And anyway, who would?  That's just ridiculous.

"Listen, I'm pretty sure they won't last long.  I know him very well," Liam smiled at Izzy,

trying to get her hopes back up.

"See, that's the thing!  They will, I mean, she's perfect.  And I'm just. . .  Blah," Izzy whined. 

I sighed.  Insecure girls. . .  Rolling my eyes, I tried to reassure her, "Iz, I'm pretty sure your overreacting!  She can't be that-"

I stopped mid-sentence as Izzy pointed to the corner of the hallway.  Both of them were staring directly at me, with the stupidest smiles on their faces.  Dylan smirked in a sinister way as usual, but it was his smile that shocked me the most.  His green eyes stabbed every inch of me.

I tried to shake his look off; I'm sure they were just making fun of me.  But no guy had ever looked at me like that.  They always looked at me in disgust, except for the time I accidentally wore a see-through shirt.  Did that even count?

Looking back up, I gulped as he motioned for me to come over there.

You have got to be kidding.

"Did he just motion for you to go over there?  Or is it just me?" Liam whispered in my ear, and I let out a small shriek.

"Looks like curly wants something from you," Izzy sang in a high pitch voice.  I felt my whole face heat up.

"Go already!" Liam pushed me. 

My feet moved mechanically over in Harry's direction.  "Belle Rose Moore, what the hell do you think are you doing!?  Go back!  Go back!" my mind pleaded with me. 

"Hey, Belle!" he smiled widely at me.  His smooth, deep voice sounded a bit gritty today, like he hadn't drunk water in days.

Then as if it was one of their big fat jokes, Dylan began to criticize me, "Sup, Bells!   Your looking oddly hideous today.  And by the way, nice shirt.  Ha!  Looks like someone just vomit-" 

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