6: Sudden SleepOvers And A box Of Chocolates

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 ~~  Izzy ~~

  I stared at my phone blankly, as Lou's laugh roared in my ears.  His firm body was extremely close to mine.  I could feel every vibration, as he chuckled.  A small grin playfully formed on my small lips.  My thoughts began to drift away, to another boy. 

I can't believe Zayn's doing this to me!  He hasn't talked to me, since last week.  We just started winter break, too.  So what?  Is this going to be another week without him talking to me.  I sighed deeply,. scrunching my eyebrows.  I was completely frustrated.  What did I do wrong!? 

Thinking back, I remembered.  I sighed.  All I did was flirt a little with Louis!  Whatever.  And it doesn't matter what Zayn thinks, Lou and I are together now.  I smiled widely, at the simple thought of us.  My cheeks fluttered a bright red shade.  It's perfect, I mean Lou and I have so much in common!.  We're both just completely nuts.  Besides Louis has always been there, and has always showed a bit of interest for me.  Guess I did have some feels for him too   So  why not date him?  And why does it matter to Zayn?  He has Amanda anyway....

"Babe!?", a sudden voice called to me, breaking my train of thought.  "You're not even watching the movie!"  Louis pouted at me and paused the movie.  I looked up and my eyes stared deep into Lou's blue orbs.  "Ah, sorry, love!  I've watched 21 Jump Street 21 times.", I laughed.

He chuckled and I flashed him a goofy, warm smile.  "I see what you did there, heh.", he replied.  A dorky smirk crept up on his face. "But, why can't we just watch Batman instead!?", I whined back He growled under his breath, " Oh God, Liam's brainwashing you, isn't he?" "Noooo", I gave him a small glare.

His toned arm around my waist slid around my waist.  " Liar.. ", he whispered faintly in my ear.  A giggle escaped from my lips.  It was just him and I tonight.  Today was Saturday, and ever since we met the guys, Saturdays were movie nights at Lou's . "Hey, darling, go check on the popcorn.  I think he's here.", he said a bit coldly, staring straight at his Iphone. 

My went wide.  I was pissed.  He invited someone else?  "Y-you didn't tell me someone else was coming!  Now I have to go change!", I blurted out.  These shorts were shorter than I really want anyone, but Lou, to see.

" Sorry I completely forgot!  Relax!  And babe, c'mon.  It's just one of the boys.", he replied.  His thumbs raced across the touch screen of his phone.  "Wait... On second thought, go change".  He walked over to the door. I let out a prayer, "Please let it be Niall or Liam.  Please let it be Nia- 

"Zayn!!!", he shouted, the minute he opened the door.   Zayn's laughter made my stomach flutter. "Hey, Bro!", he cheered back.  My small body hide behind  the couch cushions.  "So are you ready?  Wait.. Why are you in your.. ", he glanced over in my direction,  Louis gave him a nervous chuckle.  Did he just see me??  Good job Izzy. real smooth.

My whole body felt tense and I could feel Zayn's eyes furrowing in anger, just because of me.  Lou replied, "Sorry, Zayn.  We can't hang out.  My  uncle's cousin's sister-in-law's pet gold fish died.  Maybe next time, mate?"  Lou gave Zayn a cheesy smile and Zayn rolled his eyes.  I couldn't help it, but giggle.  Five seconds later, I regretted my choice to giggle, since my tongue was now bleeding and both boys were looking over in my direction.

"Why is she here?", he coldly asked, his strong, chocolate eyes piercing into me.  "It's  Movie night, and she's  sleeping over." "I am??", I blurted out.  I could hear his breath, coming out harder than usual, like he had just run a mile. "Lou, I thought we made plans first?!" I heard Lou scoff, " Huh, fine then.  Zayn, stop being such a big baby and just come inside."

His cold eyes never left me, as he slowly walked into the living room.  An awkward silence hung in the air, until Louis yelled, "Alright!  Let's get this partly started!"  Lou threw himself on the couch beside me, and leaned over, kissing me gently on the cheek.

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