11: Creeping Thoughts

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~~ Belle ~~

~~~~Flash Back ~~~~~

"Tell meeee," I whined as I opened the school front doors.  A small smirk tainted my lips as I heard him sigh.  My eyes drifted over his broad hands, which were clutching my worn out bag, before the drifted back to his clouded face. 

Harry stared at my expectant face, before mumbling, "You."

I stopped walking and stood still.  A strange flutter rose from the pit of my stomach and creeped into my heart, making my whole body shiver.  My cheeks warmed up, turning a bright red colour.  Me?  He was joking, right?

I suddenly burst out laughing as I felt the nerves tickling my body.  His emerald eyes glared at me, which only made me laugh harder.  God, he probably thinks I'm a total idiot!

"What's so funny?" he narrowed his eyes, while secretly smiling.  He took a step closer to me, which made my heart beat harder.

"You are lying. . ." I smiled, taking a step back.

He chuckled, and shook his head, making his curls bounce.  "If I was really lying. . ." he whispered in my ear. 

He was so close to me right now and was absolutely driving me insane.  The way he smelled made my breath get short.  His warmth made shiver.  Those sparkling eyes of his made me want to die. . .

"Would I do. . .  This?" he smiled at me.

It took me a few seconds to realize. . .  He. . .  He was kissing me.  Our lips were pressed  tightly together.  His hands softly caressed my cheeks; the sudden touch, sent shivers down my spine.  His lips were so soft and sweet. . .  Just like I had imagined.  My hands slid around his neck and I pressed him closer to me. . . 

Everything felt so wrong. . .  But so right.  It was. . .  Perfect.   Like if I was trapped in my own dreams.  There was no pain, hurt or anger.  Just love-

"Get up!" my eyes shot open at her loud hollering.  She flung the door open, which resulted in it creating a huge, echoing bang.  I flinched at the sound and felt the fear filling my gut.  "Did you not hear me!?  Get your ass up!  Your  late!!"


My body bolted up from my bed and I rushed around my room, looking for a clean pair of jeans.  As I scurried around, my eyes glanced over to the vibrating phone on my desk.  Harry!  I gulped, then grabbed it as quickly as I could.  I raced around the room, searching for a thick coat.

Harry: Morning Beautiful.xx

I closed my eyes shut tightly, about to take a huge risk.

Me: Hey...  Babe I'm sorry but now's not a really good time..

I stood still, with my back facing Elle.  My fingers shook as I held the phone tight.

Harry: Ah my bad D: but why? Are you ok? What's going on?

Harry: Belle?...

I stopped breathing the moment her rough hands threw my phone to the ground.  It smashed as it hit the ground, making the different parts fly across the room.

"What the hell are you doing?!  It's not the fucking time to text some stupid friend of yours!" she screamed, coming closer to me.  Her breath reeked of pure whiskey.  Elle was really drunk.

"Just hurry the hell  up!!" she yelled again, her legs wobbling around my room. 

Anger boiled up in my veins.  I did not need this today.  "Don't rush me!!" I yelled back for the first time in years, feeling quite confident in myself.

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