14: BeLoved

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~~ Izzy ~~

"Who is it?" Zayn whispered. I took a deep slow breath. A small, horrible feeling lingered in my chest. I had to tell him, I couldn't just stay quiet for the rest of my life. . . I-


My lips went numb as soon as the word ran out of my mouth. Both Niall and Zayn stared behind me with wide eyes. I froze. You idiot!! Now he thinks your a total idi-

"Louis," Niall interrupted and I felt my back stiffen."Babe, hey " I turned around, completely shocked. He wasn't suppose to come back until Saturday

"Should I even call you that now? Or were you gonna keep lying to me?" he said, and I heard the disgusting bitterness clinging to his voice ."Louis it's not her faul-"

"Zayn you shouldn't be the one to talk right now!" he yelled, his face becoming a flushed, angry red."Louis, can you just let me explain!?" I pleaded.

He chuckled, rolling his eyes, "Please do! Because I come back home and find my damn girlfriend fucking saying she in love with my best friend!"

I breathed in. "Louis, please, you're making a scene," Niall whispered towards him. Louis eyes looked around. " Who gives a damn! Let them look!" I sat there, biting down on my tongue. "Louis please," I whispered.

"No. . . And you know what hurts me the most? Is that I thought you weren't that kind of girl. . . Izzy."

"Louis, she didn't do anything!" Zayn said."I sure thought you guys wouldn't do such a thing, but I guess it just shows that I can't trust anyone."

fuck, fuck. . . This wasn't happening. "Louis, wait!" I yelled, as I ran across the slippery tile. "Wait. . . For God's sake, Lou, just wait a moment!" My yelling did nothing as his tall figure disappeared into the sea of the hall.

I growled and said, "Dammit!"

~~ Belle~~

"You can't stay here all day kiddo. It's depressing," Ben gave me a small smirk, and I sighed stroking his young skin.

"You gotta be crazy if you think I'm leaving you here alone," I closed my eyes, placing his hand on my cheek. "Belle, c'mon, I don't want you to see me like this. . . You've been here for three days."

I know I've been here for awhile, because if I go back. . . She'll beat me. "But Daaaad, I don't wanna go home," I whined, scrolling through old texts, none of which were from Harry. Ever since we had dinner with my dad. . . He's been distant and it's beginning to scare me.

"Listen, it's Saturday night kid. You should be out with that curly-haired boyfriend of yours," I rolled my eyes. My cheeks flushing as he said 'yours'.

I smiled. "Ya but so much for a great boyfriend he. . . hasn't talked to me, since Monday. . . I really don't know what's wrong with him lately."

Ben narrowed his eyes. I could hear a soft chuckle escape his lips. "Here," he handed me a piece of paper with an address on it.

"What's this?" I questioned, giving him an eyebrow.

"It's a present. You could pick it up at the address." He smirked widely and I looked around in confusion. "Just go! Your present might runway if you don't pick it up," he sang in a light tone.

"What are you up to Ben?" I giggled, clenching the paper in my hand. "I'll see you later kiddo, don't stay out too late," he gave me a wink, and I shook my head in disgust.

"Gross," I winced

I quickly rushed towards my car. I fixed my hair a bit in the rear view mirror. To be honest, I didn't want to go anywhere. I didn't need to go anywhere. . . I just wanted to be next to him, while I could. . . Because he won't always be here. . .

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