28: When It Rains

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One Month Later

~~ Belle~~

Sitting by the window, I watched as the rain drops ran against the glass, one by one.  My short fingers ran along side the glass as they fell.  The overall of the window, made my fingers tingle.  I was learning how to feel again, how to touch.

When I woke up, I was informed by the doctors that I had been asleep for exactly one month.  During my slumber, I had forgotten everything.  Movement, laughing, seeing.  It was all quite different then the black darkness I had grown accustomed too.

I cannot believe it myself actually, that I even woke up.  Or the feeling that spread through my chest like rapid fire, when my eyelashes suddenly fluttered open.  It was the first time I could remember feeling free.  The sense of the relief that was lost in the air, but was suddenly surrounding me like a caring blanket.  And the feeling of being. . .


The minute I opened my eyes, I was welcomed with the sight of his shocking green eyes.  He was right there in front of me, and a wave of happiness ran through his face.  His emerald eyes were sparked with a sudden glint of happiness to them, something I had not seen in a long, long time.  I can still picture him crying, kneeling beside the bed as I took in my surroundings.  His large hands rushing to mine, making a small, weak smile appear on my lips.That is one moment I will not ever forget. 

Taking in a deep breath of cold air, I leaned against the window in Harry's room.  The air felt so light, and his scent intoxicated me.  I had missed being in here, and as my eyes roamed over the space, every item was full of remembrance of the good times.  I giggled to myself at the thought, my cheeks beginning to feel rosie.  I can't believe we actually-

"What are you looking at?  You've been standing there for ten minutes now!" I heard a familiar deep voice, question in my ear, before two long arms wrapped around my small waist.

I felt the sudden touch of  his warm, foreign lips on my bare neck, sending a million shivers down my spine.

"N-nothing," I laughed nervously as he planted a kiss on my jaw then making his way back down my neck again.

"Well. . .  You ready now?" He mumbled against my skin."Ye-yes!" I giggled, his lips tickling me, a small chuckle coming from them.

"Then come on!  The whole neighborhood is waiting for us to start," he said, backing away and standing in front of me. 

I looked at our reflection, and before my very eyes stood two perfect people.   People I had known all my life.  Two people I've never thought of being together as the were complete opposites from each other.

One was brave, bold, cheeky, and always had something to smile about.  But the other. . .  This one was sad, hopeless, and more than ready to give up. . .

And yet here they are, standing in front of me, so close.  Closer than anyone would ever imagine we would be.

"Right, sorry!  I-I just didn't know what to wear.  I mean, I had to borrow something from Gemma for crying out loud!"  He laughed the most adorable high pitch laugh.  His green orbs ran over my body.  I glanced down at the black, fitted dress and suddenly felt like I was naked.

"It doesn't matter what you wear anyway.  You look perfect just the way you are." I smiled lightly, taking a step towards the door.

What was I exactly supposed to wear to a funeral?  Especially since it was for my own father.  I know the funeral was a bit late, but the whole neighborhood offered me a proper memorial.  A gesture to sweet and complicated to comprehend.

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