25: Where Ever You Are

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~~ Emma ~~

I wake up with her name in my thoughts.


There is this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach, and before I open my eyes completely, I picture her running past me with tears streaming down her face. Her chocolate eyes red and puffy, a look of sorrow and misery plastered on her face. A look sad enough to make even the meanest old man cry.

A look of heartbreak.

My eyes open, and I blink a few times. Getting up, I shake my head, and wipe a hand over my face. The raindrops filled the air of my quiet house, along with my loud, abnormal heartbeats.

Getting up, I walked across my room and over to the outlet in which my phone was plugged into.  

I unplugged it, and held it in my hands. As the puny device powered up, I could only wonder about my strange dream and the emotional condition Belle was in.

The screen finished loading and I checked my notifications. I had a few text messages, one of which was from Niall. I took a deep breath and stared at my phone, wondering what it was about.


My eyes widened at the incoming call. Answering it, I heard his voice.

"Hey! Open the door!" he yelled.

"Ni-Niall!? W-what are you doing outside my door!?" I yelled back, grabbing a t-shirt off the ground and running down the stairs.

"I'll explain once you open the damn door!" he chuckled as I unbolted the dead lock.

"O-okay! Hold on!" I say, hanging up.

I pulled open the door, and I saw his blue eyes grow wider at the sight of me. Yes, I was not as usually put together as every time I see him, but that didn't matter right now.

Niall had driven about half an hour to get here, something he usually did not do.

"Hi Emma," he chuckled.

"Niall! Why the hell did you drive thirty minutes-"

"Belle's missing," he said quietly.

"Wait. . . What!?"

~~ Harry ~~

"Where is everyone?" Louis repeated.

I sighed, wondering how many questions he had asked in the past five minutes.

Louis' blue eyes were dark, and filled of concern. He had his phone pressed to his ear and he continued to scream at whoever was on the other line.

I paced in circles, also worriedly awaiting everyone else to show up for the search party.

"I'm not sure why no one's answering? I guess it's the service around here," Liam said, crossing his arms.

Gazing up at the gloomy, grey sky, my eyes somehow getting lost in the different colors of lightning rushing through the dark clouds.

They were silent, but dangerously rushing through the sky. Rain drops began to fall from the sky and smack against the pavement.

I sighed. The three of us have been waiting for everyone else to show up. Niall, Izzy, Emma, Zayn and even some other people from school.

It was no surprise that Zayn was not here; he has been awfully distant lately and I would not expect him to come at such a time. He has his one problems to solve. But the others, I had been expecting them to show up.

Dialing Gemma's number, I waited for someone to pick up, but to my dissatisfaction, no one did.

"Try calling Niall again. He is not picking up," Liam said, a hint of desperation in his voice. I could hear Louis groan from afar as he slowly stopped pacing.

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