22: Same Mistakes

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~~ Izzy ~~

 "A deal?" he questioned and I nodded my head almost too hesitantly, sending him a forced smile.

"That I would leave. . .  as soon as I was done. . ." I whispered.

"Done doing what?" he questioned chuckling, staring out at the crowd of people in front of us.  I paused for a second, and looked at him, allowing our eyes to meet.

"Saying goodbye," I forced out, watching his eyes flicker in confusion at my words, his lungs taking a deep breath.  He gave me a look of disbelief, chuckling too quickly and forcefully.

"Izzy. . .  This is ridiculous!  You don't ever have to say goodbye to me, you're. . . my bes-"

"No, Zayn, I have to!  I have to do this," I gulped, feeling the burning sensation in my throat, as I shook my head. 


"I spent all this time hiding, keeping my feelings from you, thinking that if I did, our friendship would change. . . and when I finally get to express them, I was too late," I looked down for a second as every other noise disappeared and it was just my thumping heartbeat.

"Izzy, please just stop.  You don't need to-"

"I decided to move on, move on and fall in love with someone else.  So I went for Lou, because I knew he actually had the same feelings I had.  And  that maybe I could lose myself in him, instead of suffering for the one thing I couldn't have. . ." I gulped, trying to hold back my tears.  Zayn stayed silent, and waited for me to finish.  To tell him what I couldn't have.  And the music faded as I whispered one last word, "You."

"Izzy, I-"  "Zayn. . . wake up and take your head out of the damn clouds and think about it!  Why do you think things aren't working for you and Amanda!?  Or why your trying so hard convince everyone that you're happy?!"

"That doesn't matter anymore okay!  My happiness doesn't matter to anyone anymore. . ."

I chuckled shaking my head nervously.  "It matters to me. . ."  I forced a smile, placing my pale arm on his.  "I want you to be happy, rather than you going through this and spending your whole life regretting something you could've stopped Zayn. . .  I want you to be happy with m-"

"Zayn!" her dreaded voice screeched in the distance, and we both froze for a couple of seconds.  "Zaayn!" she yelled a second time, causing his head to bolt towards her voice.

"I'll be right there!"  "Zayn, c'mon!  There's still new guests you have to meet!"  His hazel orbs finally met mine and gave me a long lingering look.  His lungs taking a deep breath as he took one last look at me.

"Izzy, I'm sorry. . . I. . ." He gulped, closing his eyes shut.  The faint feeling in my throat returning as he kissed my right cheek.  "I have to go. . ."

I smirked, holding the small lump of pain I had in my throat.  "It's okay. . .  I get it, don't want to keep your fiancee waiting, don't you?" I flatly whispered, taking a step back to let him go.

"Izzy. . ."

"I never told anyone else this. . . but I was never truly happy with Lou.  And in the end, it killed me, because I pretended to be happy with someone else. . . instead of being happy with you." 

His eyes widened, and I turned away from him.  I put my head down and ran, blurting, "Have a nice life Zayn."

I thought I heard him call after me, but who knows.  My ears were always playing tricks on me and I was always hearing things, wasn't I?

~~ Harry ~~

"How nice of you to stop your worthless girlfriend from killing me, Harold," he whispered.  I gave him a lingering glance.  My grip on her tan arms tightened, and I continued, to pin her arms back from scratching his throat out.

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