15: We Cant Stop The World

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~~ Belle~~


"Because I love you."

His voice echoed in the silent air. Those three little words I've longed to hear all my life. . . were finally said.

For a moment, I tried to deny it. I never heard anything. I tried to deny the fact that he could be lying to me or that he was just saying it to make me happy.

"I love you so much, Belle. . . And I don't care if the whole worlds knows it!" he yelled a bit.

I looked up and met his dark, strong eyes. Then, I knew. I knew he had meant it. He had meant everything and I knew I really was falling for him. . .

Time flew by quickly. His lips met mine. They were soft, yet firm. I kissed him back. And the kiss developed from a soft, comforting kiss in to a sweet, passionate one. This. . . This. . . was real.

Never in my life, I imagined anything like this happening. I never knew I could feel this or. . . I would say that.

And I wasn't ashamed to admit it. He's the first boy to take the time out of his life. . . To help someone else.

He was beautiful. He was special. And that was what he made me feel. I could finally be free. Free from all this pain.

A few months ago, I didn't understand why he was with me. Or why he always had defended me. Or why he went against the crowd.

But now. . . Now I understand why.

Because he loved me from the start. . .I broke away from him and he looked at me, confused. And I simply said,

"I love you."

~~ Zayn~~

I propped my elbows on the table and rested my head on my hands. A trail of sweat dripped down my forehead. I was nervous. I didn't understand why they were making me do this. My mum begin yelling again.

I sighed deeply. They're ruining my life. I can't make any decisions. My freedom to choose has been unrightfully stolen from me. Why did I have to hang out with her? As if she was important to me!

Suddenly, Doniya tapped me on my shoulder, breaking my thought. I looked towards her, and whispered,"Yeah?" My voice was hoarse from yelling. " I'm going to sleep now. . . This is getting annoying."

She gave me a small smirk, before her eyes darted back to the carpet. "Where are the rest of the girls?" I asked. Doniya sighed loudly and pointed upstairs.I paused and waited for her to say something. She must've poked me for some reason. . .

"Izzy's waiting for you outside."

My eyes widened and I had to ask her to say it again."Izzy is waiting for you outside. Now hurry up and go out there before she decides to leave!"

I bolted out of my chair and it toppled over. Whatever. I ran out the door, not caring if my parents heard me leave or not.

I glanced around the empty porch. No one was there. The grass was damp and the sky was still gloomy from the storm we just had. "Finally," she said from behind me. "I thought you were never going to come out, jeez."

I turned around and smiled at her. Her messy bed-head hair was thrown up and she had little to no makeup on. She was sitting on the edge of the sidewalk and I jogged down to greet her. She was absolutely perfect. "Sorry, I was just. . . My parents won't stop yelling. . ." I sighed as I sat down beside her.

"Oh," she frowned, which made me smile. "So what's up? What are you doing here?" She fixed her gaze on her red, worn-out vans. "I'm sorry. . . I know I'm probably disturbing you or something." Izzy continued to stare at the ground and I watched her intently, waiting for her to tell me what she was thinking.

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