29: Confetti

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~~ Harry ~~


"Alright.  I'll let you guys in, but I can't guarantee you a long stay," The lady from the dull gray counter yelled.  Belle and I made our way into the prison. It seemed very depressing in here.  And just from the first door, I could already sense the anger from all the prisoners held captive.

"I think the visiting rooms are over here."  Belle squinted her eyes, looking past a few signs. Her legs shook as she walked; she was nervous.  I would not blame her.  After all, she's visiting her psycho mother, who tried to. . .  I rather not go there.

"I think it's right here, babe," I said, stopping in the middle of the long hallway, and pointing to a room.  The door was wide open.  She gave me a small nervous smile and chuckled.

"Ah, thanks."  She gave me a look before we both stepped inside.

"Well, here we go," I whispered as we moved into the room and Belle gave me a glare.

"Shh!  You're not helping!" she whispered, giving me a nudge.

"S-sorry!" I whispered back, glancing at the empty room.  There were a few brown tables and a few brown chairs scattered throughout the large room.  No one else was here, except for a huge guard who was standing watch outside another door.

"You're Belle, right?" The guard questioned, and we both flinched at his deep voice.

"Y-yeah!" she replied, shaking a bit. 

The guard nodded, then came closer to us.  "Sorry.  We don't get much visitors at this hour, but I'll let you guys see her."

I bite my lip as he moved to open the door to let Elle in.  I knew it was a bad idea to come here after going to Liam's flat.

"Sit down.  I'll be with you guys in a moment," the guard said as he stepped into the door.  I glanced at Belle, who was resting in a brown chair a few tables away.  Weaving through the tables, I sat down and awaited for Elle to arrive .

"Are you sure we should even be here?  I mean, what if she tries something aga-"

"You're more nervous than I am, aren't you?  Relax, Harry!  Nothing's going to happen!"

I gave her a quizzical glare.  Was she being serious?  "That you know of! She's a total psycho bit-"

"Well well well if it isn't my worthless daughter and her dumbass boyfriend."

Our heads jerked up at the sound of her voice.  There she was, Elle Moore, the woman who gave life to Belle and the same one who wanted to take it way.  She looked tired, and her dark eyes looked darker than before.  Her wine colored hair was all over the place.  She was the definition of a hot mess.

"Don't cause any trouble now.  You know the consequences," The guard hissed, grabbing her by the shoulder and dragging her towards us.

"Yeah, yeah.  Whatever," she mumbled, almost spitting on the guards eye.  She continued to stare at Belle with an angry gaze as she moved closer to our little table.

"I'm not going to say what you expect me to say, because it's not nice to see you at all," Belle said.  There was a surprising calm tone to her icy voice and I gulped as I saw Elle look up.

"Ha, then why the hell are you here, Belle?!  Because clearly you don't want to be here, am I right?" she raised her voice, and I clenched my fists under the table.  She had such an annoying attitude.

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