10: Is It Me ? Or Is Your Voice Pure Sexiness?

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~~ Izzy ~~

I rolled my green eyes, for what seemed like the tenth time today.  "Babe. . .  That's not fair!  I want to know!" he whimpered, gripping my small leather jacket.

"Lou, I'm not going to tell you what I got you for Christmas!" I yelped as he pulled me back from my next class.

His head buried on my shoulder.  His long arms clung to my waist.  "Babeeee," he whined, his voice cracking a bit.  Small giggles escaped my mouth.  Suddenly, I felt my body being slammed against the cold, brick wall.

Ugh, Louis was stubborn at times.  "It's a surprise!  Now let go!" I whined.  He chuckled loudly, and from the corner of my eye I could see Zayn bolting out of the room.  My mouth opened, and I felt my heart grow heavy.

"Iz?" Louis whispered, completely confused.

"Sorry. . .  What?"

He smirked, shaking his head.  "You are hopeless," he smiled back, his rough hand caressing my cheek.  Our lips were only inches away from each other.  Just feeling his touch gave me small shivers, and our eyes slowly met.

Just then, someone cleared their throat.  The moment was quickly ruined as we both bolted away from each other.  Our eyes met and then we both turned away. 

Looking up, I saw the interruption was caused by Mr. Brooks.  "I believe it's time to get to class," his brown eyes narrowed as he flashed Lou an irate look.

"Yes sir!" Lou saluted and rushed away, almost running into the wall.  I chuckled to myself and turned to go, when Mr. Brooks cold, hard voice stopped me.

"I'm disappointed, Isa," he smirked.

I shuddered at hearing the sound of my real name, Isa.  Ugh, no one ever called me that and I absolutely despised hearing it, unless it was coming from my grandmother.  "Why?" I shrugged, staring back at the young, attractive teacher.

"It's just I find it funny. . .  I mean. . .  You and Lou?  He's. . ."

"Perfect," I blurted out, then whipped around and went to class.  I could feel Mr. Brooks' eyes on me as I quickly fled the scene.  To be honest, Mr. Brooks scared me.

As I sat down in my seat, I tried to keep my eyes straight.  I knew he was right next to me, staring at me with his caramel eyes.  Science class was my worst class of the day, and not because the teacher was dull and lifeless, but for the simple reason he was here.  The teacher walked in, and I felt my throat suddenly dry out as he yelled, "Alright, you guys know the drill!  Partner up!"  Surrounding chairs screeched from the quick movement, as everyone raced to find a partner.

"Liam!" I faintly whispered.  "Psst!  Liam!" 

His chocolate eyes gave me a quick look, before he turned his attention to his book bag.  "What?" he muttered, trying to find his homework.

"Work with me!" I softly yelped.

He chuckled and shook his head, "I'm afraid I can't do that!"  He got up and walked over to a lonely looking girl.  She brightened up, when she say Liam, and they immediately started talking.

I let out a small, frustrated gasp.  "Thanks!  And I thought you were the nice one!" I hissed back, eventually turning my chair around.  Curse me for being smart, and being stuck in a class of seniors!  I sighed, and threw my head on my desk.  Groaning, because I had just caused myself to not only become partner less, but to now have a major headache.

Oh joy.

"Hey," I heard a sudden whisper.  I turned my head to the left, and saw a wide smirk on Zayn's lips.

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