30: Brand New Eyes

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  • Dedicated to The Fans (:

~~ Belle~~

I woke up with a strange feeling in my gut. It was strange waking up in a different room, one that was quite different than my old one. Hell, I was not even in my own house right now, or in my own bed for that matter. Also, it was the first day of senior year.

Normally, I would dread getting out of bed and having to get dressed. However, today was different. I was actually looking forward to it. Oh, don't get me wrong, I was definitely going to hate the longs lectures and stupid teachers. But everything had changed now; I was halfway there to being happy.

I moved through the crowded hall at a steady pace. Everyone seemed to have something to talk about. There was little groups of people chattering everywhere, and everyone wore large smiles on their faces.

I glanced at Liam's old locker, and part of me sunk. I knew that not seeing four of my best friends everyday would kill me, but I never imagined I would miss them this much. I just could not picture sitting at lunch, and not seeing them right there next to me. Not hearing Niall's adorable laugh or Liam's over protective remarks. Not seeing Zayn's laid back smile, and Louis' goofy grin.

It felt weird not being greeted by them first thing in the morning. I mean, they had always been here for me. If it wasn't for them, I am sure I would be somewhere in a corner, staring at everyone like a lost puppy.

Until now, I never realized how lucky I was to have them by my side. I never looked at it like this, but they made me happy. I could not have been more thankful for them, than I am now.

The hall suddenly seemed quieter as I could hear the loud clattering of my boots against the tile floor. My long, chestnut hair moved with my body, swishing back and forth. A few people gave me stares and a few more gave me a smiles.

Maybe it was the new look? I usually did not wear this much make up. Oh hell, I did not wear make up at all. Maybe it was the clothes? I don't know.

I returned their gestures with shy smiles, even to the same people who would laugh at me, whenever I was picked on. I never had expected anyone to notice me. I was used to being invisible; I was used to doing what I truly did best.


It was weird to get this kind of attention; a nice change of the mean and cruel attention I was used to. Instead of smiles, everything I did was followed by judgmental laughter. I knew that the old me would run away from everyone, because I was so scared of what everyone thought.

I was especially scared of what Dylan thought. He was always the ring leader of my pain, and I could never please him. Whenever everyone would laugh, his high-pitched cackle would ring out above everyone else's guffaws. At least that creep was not here to tease me anymore. He could not embarrass me in front of his friend and with him not being here, I had one less person to make me feel miserable.

Maybe that's why I felt so confident, because the devil himself was not here to make my life a living hell. I remember saying,"Soon enough, I won't have to hear his stupid voice ever again." Thankfully, I was right. Today, and hopefully forever, I did not have to hear him at all.

"There you are!" I heard her voice from a distance. I turned to see her now fully blond hair visible from a mile away. I gave her a big smile as she ran through the crowd to catch up with me.

"I was texting you, idiot!" Her big green eyes stared into mine as she pushed me playfully.

"Sorry! I didn't bother checking my phone," I laughed guiltily and she gave me a glare.

"Well, thanks for not caring about me caring for you!"

I gave her a quizzical glare and she sighed. "That doesn't make sense, Izzy." I rolled my eyes as I pulled out my schedule to see what my first period class was.

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