17: Bro To Bro

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~~ Harry ~~

"M-Mrs. Moore?""If you open that fucking door, I-I'll kill her!  I'LL KILL HER, YA HEAR!?"I tried turning the door knob, desperately.  Shit, it's locked!

"I'm warning you!" she screamed once again.  Feeling the adrenaline pumping through my veins and a pounding in the back of my head, I ran at the door.  Nothing.  I ran again.  It gave a little.  I ran again.

I knew not what happened next, for in a few seconds, I was on the ground, covered in splinters from the door.  Mrs. Moore flew past me and I hurriedly got up and rushed to her side.  My heart stopped.

She was laying there, eyes closed.  Skin looking rather pale and her brown hair was splayed around her.  Belle was covered in glass and wine.  The broken remainder of the bottle was mockingly sauntering at the foot of her bed.  The air filled with the pungent smell of stale wine mixing with something else. . .   Her blood.

"Belle!?" I let out a small cry, and I kneeled over immediately.  I lifter her towards my chest, the ruby liquid covering my hands and oozing down my paled arms.

"Oh my God!  Belle!!"

"Belle look at me!"


"Are you sure she's gonna be alright?" Gemma whispered beside her bedside.  Her consoling voice snapped me out of thought and I looked at her.

I looked away and back down at my long fingers, which played with the brown, silky strands of Belle's hair.  "She's fine," I managed to whisper, trying to convince myself that she was.  "Doctor said she'll be up in no time" I explained.  Then I wondered if the doctor was lying, because to me. . . she looked awful.

I mean, I rescued her from her prison and she was out cold.  "If anything happens . . . please say something" I faintly ordered.  My mum peaked in through the door as I rose from my bedside watch.

"Okay?"  I looked at Gemma's long, worried face.

"And where are you going, sir?" Anne gave me a look, before I charged down the stairs.  I gave her a small smile and took a step back.

"I'm gonna go visit Ben.  I mean, I know I shouldn't be the one to go but I-" "Go ahead I'll watch her for you."  I stared at her, a bit alarmed by her response.

"Wait. . . what?  You want me to go?"

"Go, you should be the one to explain to him, and besides I made a whole bunch of soup so could you take it to him." she gave me a faint giggle and I shook my head.

"Oh mum!" I smiled and hugged her.  She smiled and bestowed upon me the heavy, cumbersome bowl of soup.

I sighed and walked out of the door.  Truth was, I was going to have to leave for awhile.  I needed to bask in the sun and take in the warm, spring air.  I had to figure out what was happening with our friends-and our enemies-but most importantly, I needed to know if Ben was even breathing while my girlfriend lay comatose.

I smirked in the rearview mirror.  I still shivered, when I called her that, but it felt right.  Hell, even thinking that sentence shocked me, but I have always had. . . had a soft spot for her.  I don't know how to explain any of it to myself, but parts of me want me to protect her and make her happy. 

Reaching the hospital, I parked and grabbed the soup.  My eyes narrowing a bit as I entered the main lobby.  There was a huge line of people at the desk.  Some with worried faces, and the others were talking as loud as they possibly could.

Looking around, I was certainly confused.  I know hospitals were busy, but I had never seen this many people in the waiting room.  Pressing the container of soup against my chest, I peered around.  What the hell's going on?

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