Chapter Nineteen

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     Chapter Nineteen

"Here we are..." He whispered,patting my head softly. I found that amusing and I was affirmative of the fact that my face portrayed it, as Tunji just sat there mirroring my expression for what felt like hours.
"Why are you whispering?" I asked trying to hold back the laughter bubbling in my throat. His face looked so cute, it reminded me of Ayo, my very adorable nephew.

"I thought you were asleep" He said in mock surprise.

"I was just... Meditating" I said shutting one eye, curling my fingers and almost trying a lotus position even with my seat belt on.
Silly me...

Truth be told, I had slept for the better part of the ride, and had only woken up a few minutes earlier.
I do not mess with my beauty sleep, alright...

"Meditating indeed, come on we're here" He announced.
I finally opened my eyes to take in the new environment, it looked like a new building, still under construction but had certainly made immense progress. I soon found myself wondering why he would bring me over to a two storey building that was half complete for a supposed fun filled outing.

"Don't start stressing your little head, I'll tell you why we're here but let's get in first" Tunji's voice jolted me out of my ever wandering mind, insultingly so.
Nah... I'm just kidding

But I wasn't going let him off the hook. "Olatunji Oluwole, what did you just say?!" I said trying to feign a menacing scowl.

"I apologize if you find my words offensive, your majesty" He replied with a mock bow and a British accent that sounded beyond terrible.
"Hmmm" I scoffed, mimicking his awful accent - mine was better, by the way. I dismissed his apology with the wave of my hand.

"Apologies duly accepted young sire, now do well to get me out of this mobile contraption"

"What are you doing in this country sef?" He asked in amusement with his arms folded across his chest, impressed by the mimicry I had pulled off perfectly.
"My brother na condition o" I said with a chuckle, he joined in and soon we were out of the vehicle, heading into the very sightly building. Curiosity was seeping through me already and I couldn't wait to behold the interiors of the place.
    Tunji pushed the sliding doors aside and we trudged in. Behold, it was empty.  A large, nearly empty hall was what greeted us, white washed walls, empty buckets of paint at different ends, few building materials, doors at different corners that would definitely open to more empty rooms, that was just about it. I had expected more but I was awed at how massive the place was, still I turned to him with a confused glare, urging him to explain why we were there. He smirked, making me furrow my eyebrows more.

"Come on, let's go upstairs" He gestured at the stairs I hadn't noticed at the time. I shrugged and followed him closely. Slowly, we mounted the flight of stairs in ascension, our footsteps creating echoes in the void room. He opened the large sliding door and the cool breeze from the ground to ceiling window that hadn't been fully fixed, hit us square in the face, as we found ourselves in another large room, with doors at different corners.
My eyes went about ravaging the place, same white washed walls and building equipment as I had seen on the first floor. I groaned in frustration, the suspense was killing me and the culprit was well aware of that as he chuckled in response.

"Can you just tell me what's going on already?!, I don't like suspense one bit" I said groaning again.
"Chill jor, I brought you here for a reason"
I rolled my eyes in response, why would he bring me here without a reason?
"Out with it" A harrumph eluded my lips out of impatience.
"I have lots of plans for this place Lola, I finally want to follow my dreams. This is going to be like a place for training of a few youngsters who are interested in the world of tech"
"Go on..." I urged and that was his cue, he splurged non stop about his ideas, saying some incoherent things, which I nodded to. His eyes lit up with excitement at every thing he said. I heard a few things about coding, web designing, ethical hacking and so much more than I could decipher. He was indeed enjoying every moment of it while I just nodded in response to everything he said even when I could not exactly decrypt any of it.
"I'm boring you, aren't I?" He said with his gaze piercing through mine. I laughed nervously, thinking of how to put my response nicely.
"I understand, you're not into these kinda stuff but I'd really appreciate it if you support me" He said with a little edge to his tone.
Uh oh...
"No no no, you're getting it all wrong, you know I support you all the way, it's just that this isn't the kind of outing I expected. I honestly feel honored that you'll share this with me,Tee I don't want to fight with you,okay?" I said succinctly, giving him a playful nudge, he only replied with a guttural sound.

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