Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen


"So you're saying your father threw you out of his house, just like that?" Uncle Dayo, Tana's father asked rhetorically.

We were all seated in the living room of their six bedroom duplex. Tana sat right next to me, while her mother, Aunt Aisha, was seated opposite us. Her father paced to and fro, a habit he had formed, whenever he was deep in thought.

I nodded, fully aware of the fact that there wasn't any need to.

"I think Benson needs someone to talk to him..." He started.

"But..." He continued,reluctantly.

"He is hot headed, stubborn too" He stated finally.

My thoughts exactly...

"We'll figure something out, but I don't want you being idle dear" Tana's mum interjected.

"Me neither aunty, I'll have something doing pretty soon" I said with an unsure smile.

"Hmmm" she hummed and nodded.
She had always been a person of few words. It seemed as though she would be charged for every word she spoke. It actually baffled me, as her only daughter turned out to be a chatter box.

"You girls should go in and get something to eat, I believe you're sleeping over?" Aunt Aisha continued

I was about nodding when Tana interrupted.

"No mum, we'll just hang around for a few hours before heading home" She turned away after shooting a plastered smile at her mum.

The latter sighed and went up the stairs to her bedroom. From the look of things Tana and her mum weren't in good terms again. Tana was an only daughter with an elder and younger brother who were very protective of her. I admired her bond with her dad and siblings but she never seemed to get along with her mother. I never understood why.

"Lola dear" Uncle Dayo called bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yes sir" I answered

"What exactly are your plans right now?" He asked... I was a bit taken aback.
Not exactly what I expected

I went on to explain my plight concerning my financial issues and he promised to help sort it out with the bank but advised that I found something to do in the meantime. I thanked him and joined Tana in the kitchen.

"Any progress?" She asked as soon I shut the door behind me

"Not really" I said shrugging casually.

"Why are Nigerians like this? They expect you to rise to the top but they don't want to support you, when the good time comes they'll want to show that they knew you when you had nothing, mtcheww" She said scrunching up her face in disgust.

"Tana we are talking about your parents here" I reminded.

"Of course, and I think you were right, seeking their support was a bad idea, all these rich people are the same. I'm sure his wife is the one making him act like this" She said again, still agitated.

Okay this is getting out of hand

"Tana it's alright na, that wife of his is your mother yunno" I said rubbing her palm soothingly. PMS truly gets to her.
She nodded taking deep breaths, to calm herself down

"What's going on between you and mummy?" I asked, I knew she was on the edge already,but I still had to satisfy my curiosity which seemed to be growing by the minute.

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