Chapter Thirty three

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Chapter Thirty three

I got home late in the afternoon, drained. After such an exhausting day, I wanted nothing more than heading into my bathroom for a nice long bath and cuddling up in bed. And as usual, my plans were thrown out the window the moment I stepped out of the lobby into the living room.

My mood changed as soon as my eyes fell on the people present there. My gaze slowly directed itself to my mum who looked like a shadow of herself in the midst of the numerous visitors offering their condolences for her husband's ailment. News sure did spread like wildfire, our phones had been buzzing with phone calls and text messages ever since the tragic event from the previous night.

"Oh Lola darling, you're back?" I turned to the sweet voice that called me out. It was aunt Aisha,Tana's mum.

I quickly plastered a smile on my face and went in for a hug.

"Oh sweetie, you look pale. Don't worry daddy would be fine." She assured, holding on to my face like the little girl she had always known me to be. If only she knew...

I nodded so as to not to give away my thoughts. His health wasn't even top three on my list of problems, no offense.

I exchanged pleasantries with some of the supposed emphatic guests who i knew were pretty much checking to know if the person in question, was dead or not.

My eyes trailed over to Mr and Mrs Adetokunbo who were seated next to my mum with Yemi's mum placing a comforting hand on my mum's shoulder and whispering soothing words which the latter occasionally nodded at. I said hello with a tight lipped smile which they casually responded to just as my eyes glazed over them and landed on Yemi who was just about mounting the stairs.

"Mummy, where's Tolani?" I questioned, my eyes never leaving Yemi's towering figure that kept ascending the stairs suavely. How can such a fine man be so...? Ugh! Never mind.

"She just left for her room, why?"

"I'm just asking, I'll just go and freshen up, I'll be back." I excused myself as she nodded.

I took the stairs, two at a time.

In haste, I found myself bumping into my brother in law. Note the distaste in my tone.

We locked eyes at that point and one of the many intense stare downs, I've had to engage in, ensued. That lasted for a few seconds as I broke the eye contact only to take in his appearance, looking suave as always, I hummed in mock approval. He did look good, I have to admit.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned with my arms folded across my chest. He raised his chin, a posture that portrayed the sort of arrogant brute he was.

"I'm here to see my wife." He said slowly as if talking to a child, with emphasis on the last two words.

The nerve!!

I scoffed. This dude sure had some nerve coming here with his parents and I voiced that out.

"Well it's no fault of mine that your family lives in medieval times and decided to sell off their daughter like some piece of meat." He had the audacity to say.

His eyes held mirth, he was mocking me, mocking us. My palms itched to leave a lasting mark on his smooth face and I was so close to doing that when Laila came in.

"Titilola!" She yelled. That halted my movements, my hand hung in the air at that point. The impact of that slap could have given his mushed up brain a factory reset but my sister just had to come in and ruin the execution of this kind gesture.

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