Chapter Eighteen

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    Chapter Eighteen

  Same place, different time...
I checked the time and it was about 7:45am.

Not bad.

Tana had dropped me off at the T- junction leading to the place, and I walked the short distance down to the shop. Striding into the dimly lit place, I could barely make out the figures in the room. I'd obviously came in after someone, probably the CEO.
Suddenly the lights came on, and I saw the last person I had hoped to see, the rude lady from the previous day. Ugh.

What a way to start my day. She turned to me with a scowl, I was beginning to wonder if her face was actually like that.
"Good morning" I mumbled trying to force a smile whilst staring at her. She simply glared daggers at me and turned back to whatever she was doing with a hiss. I shrugged off her nastiness and went ahead to ask for the whereabouts of the cleaning equipments I would need.

"It's on my head, come and get it" She replied with so much rancor, I almost lost my cool.

Not today Satan, not today.

I walked out on her, venturing further into the shop to get whatever I needed. Eventually I found them laid in a corner and I went about my duties ignoring the belligerent young lady at the other side of the room.

In a matter of minutes, other apprentices started trooping in and I had to hasten tidying up the place. I exchanged cordial greetings with the rest of them and most of them answered passively, except this plump enthusiastic light skinned lady. She looked a bit older than I was... but one could attribute that fact to her, not so petite size. She was a pretty one, I must say, her gap teeth almost had me yearning for one and her smile was infectious.

"I guess you're new here, I'm Amara" She introduced herself cheerily, stretching her robust hand towards me for a handshake.

"I'm Lola, nice to meet to you Amara" I did my best to return the same energy.

"Same here, I hope you have a swell time during your stay" She said and hopped off giddily, to get a broom. I was halfway through with the sweeping, and she helped with the rest and I was more than grateful.

I sat on a vacant seat, surfing through my phone as I was basically idle. Everyone else had something to fiddle with, or someone to chat with, whereas I was on my own. I felt the atmosphere tense up, as a familiar scent wafted through my nostrils.

Mrs Chidi...

It was her alright. I saw her walking in with such grace and poise that would make any other lady in the room intimidated and that she did. Probably because we were her proteges or because she looked so flawless.

"Good morning ma" Those were the words that rang from all corners. A small smile splayed on her lips as she answered and it grew even wider as her eyes fell on me.

"Lola, how are you dear?" She asked
"I'm fine ma, thank you" I said with a small nod. She gave a curt nod in acknowledgement and turned to the rest people in the room.

"Ladies,this is Titilola our newest addition, please treat her well as she's now a part of this ever growing family" She said sweetly with her arm draped across my shoulder.

"No petty squabbles please" She emphatically stated with her gaze firmly settled on the vexatious Bisola whose eyes were all over the place.

"Alright?" Mrs Chidi enunciated.

"Yes ma" The ladies answered, including Bisola. Mrs Chidi turned to me thereafter.

"Welcome to the family Lola" She gave me a pat on the back before walking towards her office. I let out a breath I didn't notice I was holding.

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