Chapter Thirty eight

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Chapter Thirty eight


I took a seat in front of her without breaking eye contact, I could tell she was surprised that I showed up at her office after so long.

"How have you been?" I asked coolly.

"Well. How have you been?" She replied in the same tone.

"Good." I said back and we both hummed. Our eyes settling on anything but each other.

"This is really awkward." She blurted out.

"I know right." I concurred.

"I'm sorry." We both said at the same time, only to be followed by tear filled giggles.

I walked around the desk and pulled her into my embrace.

"I missed you so much." She managed to get out amid incessant sobs.

Yup, pregnant Tana was an emotional Tana.

"I missed you too, so so much." I gave her soothing back rubs cause from the look of things, her tears weren't going to end anytime soon.

"I'm really sorry about everything, I felt horrible. I felt so ashamed, I couldn't reach out to you. I couldn't face you." She said in between hiccups.

I hushed her.

"It's fine, I understand. All of it is in the past now." I assured her.

She nodded like an obedient five year old. I giggled at the sight. I took a good look at her, scanning her from top to bottom. She was dressed beautifully as always in a Pink strapless maxi dress and a white long sleeved jacket, paired with a pair of heels lying around somewhere in the office, I was sure. I didn't notice much of a change in her physical features as she was obviously still in her first trimester, but the glow was obvious although her eyes did look a little bit sunken. I assumed it was as a result of the crying episode she just had.

"Hey, earth to Lola." She called out, snapping her fingers in my face.

"Sorry." I smiled sheepishly.

"Welcome back." She said sardonically, I chuckled.

"So tell me, what's been going on?" She questioned enthusiastically. Yup, here's the Tana I knew.

As always, I gave her the scoop on what had been happening with me, the last few months. To my surprise, she admitted to being present at the funeral but she stayed hidden as a result of the guilt she felt. That was sad.

She squealed and even did a happy dance when I handed her the invitation card. She didn't even read it before she started rambling.

"OMG, Lola you're getting married! I'm so happy for you and you even had to formally invite me, who's going to be your maid of honour if not me?!"

I stared at her like she had grown another head.

"Wait,what?" I chuckled. "Don't be silly, just sit down already." I rolled my eyes.

"Why?" She pouted.

"My friend, read what's written there before you go and disgrace me."

She did, and her mouth formed an 'o' as it dawned on her and with the speed of light she switched back to her happy dance, hugging me in the process. I just couldn't stop laughing.

"Oh sweetie, I'm so happy for you. Congratulations!" She exclaimed.

"Thank you." I grinned. Next thing I knew, she was beside me, drawing closer to me with puppy eyes.

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