Chapter Sixteen

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   Chapter Sixteen


I woke up feeling refreshed by the next day. Being open minded and positive about how my day was going to be, I stepped into the shower, humming to different tunes as the water pelted my skin. The refreshing feeling made me not want to step out of there.
Kukuma sleep there ode...

A laugh eluded my lips as the thought slipped out of my subconscious self.
I picked out a pink chiffon top with a pair of blue jeans and put them on shortly afterwards. I had barely touched my phone, so I swiftly ransacked my bag surreptitiously hoping that my dad had called or texted, begging me to come home but I knew better than to expect that. He was a hard hearted man after all. No calls from mum or any of my siblings. Thinking of siblings, I hadn't heard from my newly married sister, she was probably too occupied in her honeymoon to give me a call and I didn't want to bother her with my issues.

I walked out of the bedroom heading straight to the kitchen for a quick breakfast but Tana beat me to it.

"Hey sleepy head" She greeted cheekily.

"Good morning" I replied with the same expression.

"You slept in, as usual" She announced flipping the pancakes with the spatula.
"Really? What time is it?" I asked, a little flustered.

"Go take a look" She said with that cheeky grin I had come to admire over the years. I swiftly took my phone out of my pocket, thinking about it, I saw that it was past ten in the morning.

"Wow" I exclaimed, shocked at how much time I had spent trying not to brood over my plight.

"So... You're coming with me to the office right?" Tana asked tilting her head towards me with a worried look on her face. I shook my head in the negative but she disagreed vehemently.

"No way Titilola, I don't want you brooding and sulking in this house all day"

"But... " I started.
"No" She said with an air of finality.
"Okay fine" I conceded, groaning right after.
Thirty minutes later, we were off to her office. I seldom visited her place of work for reasons I couldn't even point out. But it looked much better than the last time I visited. The interior decor was superb. Tana ran a modelling agency, so her workers scurried around the place, taking pictures, doing make up and all the petty things associated with such occupation. The storey building was beginning to look small as business was booming.
So she said...

My favorite place was the costume and designs section, for obvious reasons.

"Good morning ma'am" A worker greeted. Such greetings were heard from all corners as Tana and I walked further into the building.

Finally, we were up in her office.

"Welcome ma'am would you like some tea or coffee?" She teased with a mock bow.

"Cut it out abeg" I said amidst a chuckle. It sounded forced...

"No brooding Lola, you're here to spend the day with your best friend" She faced me squarely with her arms folded across her chest. I admired the long sleeved peach jumpsuit she wore with black pumps. She always slayed every outfit.

"Yes ma'am but I might have to step out later" I said looking around her office. It was quite large,with turquoise wallpapers, a huge mahogany desk placed in the middle with a desktop computer,amongst lots of files piled on top.

A freezer laid at one end of the room, I could imagine it being stocked with lots of junk food, Tana would never disappoint. A book shelf I had barely noticed was at one side of the office, filled with books of different literatures and genres.

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