Chapter Twenty seven

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Who was this man? I had absolutely no idea, but seeing my dad's face go pale at the sight of him was an indicator that this man wasn't just anyone. But who was he?

"Gerald?!" I heard my mom gasp his name out, a horror filled look on her face.

"Felicia" He acknowledged her with a firm nod and tight smile.

The room was at a standstill.

"What are you doing here?!" My father growled, setting us in motion again as we all flinched at his sudden outburst.

"Well hello to you too Benson, how long has it been? Twenty four, no twenty five years... Time flies when you're having fun huh?" The man, or should I say Gerald replied smugly, with a lopsided grin, taking in the interiors of the house, prancing around majestically, like he owned the place.

"You're supposed to be..." Dad whispered shakily. I saw him mop up some sweat from his forehead.

The room is fully air conditioned o

"Dead?" Gerald completed with a wry chuckle. "Well here I am, trust me I'm not a ghost"

Okay, this was getting crazy. I sat there watching their exchange until the newcomer's eyes fell on me. He did a double take before they settled on me again.

"Crystal?" He whispered staring straight at me.

"Huh?" I was confused. He had a dazed look on his face, one that made me super uncomfortable.

"You're Crystal... My... " He was saying something before my dad interrupted.

"I think you all should leave, we have scores to settle as a family" He said surlily.

"Excuse me Mr Gregg, we aren't quite finished, you still owe me-" Yemi's father growled just as Chief butted in
"And me too"
"And my daughter is still pregnant for a man who hasn't even stated his intentions" Tana's father joined in out of nowhere, raising his voice and casting a deadly glare at Tana who recoiled like she wanted to melt into a puddle at that moment.

"All of that will be discussed later, there's a more pressing matter at hand" Dad stated in a tone that left no room for further arguments.

"Please" He gestured towards the door, and they all trudged out muttering under their breaths in displeasure.


It was just my parents, Laila, myself and Mr Gerald in the living room now. The pin drop silence was eerie.

"How did you find this place?"Dad finally spoke up.

"I have my ways" He replied smugly.

"What are you doing here?!" He growled.

"I'm here to stop you"

"Stop me from doing what exactly?"

"Selling these young girls off because of your greed and selfishness" Gerald gritted. And Dad just laughed boisterously.

"Don't act all innocent Gerald, we both know you're not" He retorted after recovering from his laughter.

"You're sick. I stayed in coma for fourteen years because of you!!!" Gerald yelled gripping dad by his collar, breathing heavily. They stayed that way staring each other down until we heard the muffled cry from my mom. Dad turned to her with a glare filled with so much hatred, I was baffled. Was there ever a time that he loved her? I asked myself. Little did I know that those questions were about to be answered.

"What's all this drama now? You brought him here and here you are acting like the damsel in distress. Always the drama queen, I see" Dad spat with excess venom. Mum could not even give him a befitting comeback. She just whimpered and recoiled.

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