Chapter 58; It's All My Fault

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**Katie's POV**

For the rest of the night we skated until we thought we were going to pass out. We decided to leave at 4 am and go to iHop for early breakfast.

When we got there, it was completely empty except for like 3 workers and a few drunk people thinking it's 10 o'clock in the morning. Idiots.

We sat at a party table and ordered our food. When the food got to the table I looked at the employee. I could tell she was exhausted, just b the look in her eye. Not from tiredness, but from emotional state. When you've ever been depressed or are still you always have that feeling of knowing who else is.

She walked away slowly, slugglishly. I looked down at my plate to see waffles with whipped cream and strawberries ontop, I know just a few months ago, i would never even hesitate about skipping this meal.

"Katie, you okay?" Taylor asks touching my shoulder knocking me out of my thoughts. "Oh" I giggle, "Yeah, I'm alright." I say before taking a giant bite. Taylor backs off and starts going down on his food like everyone else.

It was silent until Charity lifted the awkwardness. "So, you guys are all leaving tomorrow?" She asks to Savannah, Alex and Connor. "Yeah, we were supposed to move here but there was a mix up so we were supposed to move to Wilmington but we came here instead.. oops" Alex says shrugging his shoulders.

"And what about you Savannah?" she asks. "I just came down to visit Katie for a week". "Ahh, okay". We continue eating when we hear a loud crashing noise from outside. We look out the window cautiously and see it started pouring really hard.

"Yeahhhhhhh!!!" Cameron says hopping off of his chair and running outside. We all chase after him and run to the park. We finally get to the park that is actually pretty close to Hayes' house, but not that close.

We run around for a while, belting out song lyrics until a person in the neighborhood called the cops on us so we booked it to Nash and Hayes' house.

Once we got there, Hayes opened the door and looked like he just woke up with his hair all messy aww, how cute. We all walk in soaked with Connor and me last, he glares at us and stomps back up the stairs and shuts his door.

We decide to watch a movie until we all fall asleep.

The next morning I woke up without Connor being there. Oh god no. I also see that Alex and Savannah are gone aswell. They just left without a goodbye or anything. I walk to the kitchen and pull out a carton of icecream knowing I'm going to need it now that the people that actually made me happy are gone.

I start to tear up and see that the carton is empty, someone walks in and I stuff my face in the freezer to see if there was anymore ice cream.

"Are you okay?" I hear Hayes' raspy morning voice mumble. I pull myself back up and quietly say "no. not really" then walk out o the living room, and start to walk out of the door to go home because I honestly didn't want to talk to anybody right now.

"Hey wait!" Hayes says chasing me and spinning me around. He shuts the front door behind him leaving us right outside his house. "Please don't hate me" he pleads.

I look at him confused "what? Hayes, what are you talking about?"

**Hayes' POV**

"It was my fault" She looks at me confused. Ugh, why can't she just the get the point that it is basically my fault that Connor, Alex and Savannah left.

"Hayes, what was your fault?" she asks obviously getting a little annoyed. I wipe off one of her rolling tears. "um" I look down at my feet and prepare for her outburst. "It was my fault that everybody left" she still looks confused except a little more mad.

" I told them that you didn't want to see tem anymore because you didn't really care, and then I told Connor that you didn't like him because you liked me and we were dating".

She got really angry, oh crap.

"Hayes! Why would you do that?!" "I know, it was stupid" "NO, you dont know obviously because you were so stupid and didn't see that I was actually happy with them, not you!" "Hey, I'm not stupid. And second, you actually trusted a guy you met at a hotel and you can barely trust me with stuff that you didn't want anybody to know. You told me after months and told him after 3 days. What the hell, Katie?" I yelled.

"I trusted hi-" I cut her off and immediately regretted it. "Because you have trust issues and can't handle a single problem without someone picking you back up!?"

She turned back from walking away and slapped me, "This is why I waitied for months to tell you anything! I hate you!" She said, tearing up then running away. Ugh, what did I just do?

**Katie's POV**

I ran all the way back to my dads house. I know, stupid but now there is no hotel room to save me. I can't believe he used my isecurities and secrets against me. What kind of person does that??

I ran up to my room and slammed the door shut, dragged down the door and cried. Why? Why me? Just 5 months ago, Hayes and I were always together, I even think we could have dating if we actually asked eachother out. Now look at us.

It's all my fault, it always is. It's my fault I trusted him, if I didn't, I would have never told him about me. If I didn't let hi come through my window or didn't let him chase me into the woods, I shouldn't have ever met him. It's my fault my brother died. I should have never gotten into that car with him.

None of us would be in this position right now if it weren't for me.

Hey guys, so in my drama class we have to write a play and I wrote mine with the girls crush as Hayes. Lol I'm so stupid. Anyway, we had our dance tonight and I'm just so doe with some people that I wish i coud just push out of my life with a flick of the fingers.

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