Chapter 39; Kidnapped

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Alright so I'm in New Orleans for the next few days and in this hotel room, bored so I'm gonna update.

**Katie's POV**

So Hayes is still pretty much ignoring me and it has been two weeks. The only time he talked to me was when I was late getting home because of detention, so to end the awkwardness I was going to walk to school sooner than before.

I have to take the long way around to school because everyday I see my dad sitting in his car watching me, studying my every move.

I plug in my earbuds and have it on shuffle. I have this strange feeling that someone is watching me hoping to god my dad hasn't found me.

I just keep walking forward then I hear a car engine running following me. By now it would have passed by but it didn't.

I turned off my music and put my phone in my backpack. I peek over my shoulder and see my dads black truck following me slowly. I get panicked and start speed walking, running, sprinting.

I hear the car stops and start to take a run for it. My dads hand covers my mouth and the other hand wraps around my stomach lifting me off my feet and throws me in the back of the truck and slams the door shut. I quickly stand back up and throw my backpack on the floor. "HELP ME" I scream while slamming on the walls of the truck.

The car starts and I fall back getting dizzy for a second. I feel around looking for a light use then remember I put my phone in my backpack.

I quickly dig in it and turn it on flashlight. I point the phone in different areas and then to the far corner and I see bloody boxes.

Cautiously, I walk over and examine the boxes. I slowly open one and the first thing I see is bloody tools. The next one has a potato bag drowned in red. I open the third one and see dead pigs. I gasped as "oh dear god" I whisper hoping the man I used to know as my dad wouldn't hear me.

I'm kind of scared to open the last one but I do it and this is what scared me the most. It was pictures of me over the past few weeks.

I feel my face get red when the car vaults to a stop and the corpses of pigs fall on top of me. "AHHHHHHHHH!!" I scream terrified.

I fall back again hitting my butt harder than before and grunted. I scoot myself across the van and then the door opens to my dads permanent angry face.

"Please.... No" I cry in between sobs. He gives me the most evil look and grabs me. "No! Please! Daddy, please. No" I yell crying even more.

Before I can say anything else I feel a sharp pain on my head and then wake up in a dark room.

Where am I?

I look around and see concrete with a light on a rope hanging from the receding.

I get up slowly and feel a liquid running down my face. I feel for it and look at my hands. Blood. My lip starts to quiver as I walk over to the little window on the door. I look out and one end of a long hall and the other end with the same except this side had another door.

The door opens and slams shut, the loud bang causing me to jump and fall scooting back to the corner of the room.

The door opens and a man grabs me and pulls me to the door. I struggle to get free and grunt knowing if I talk he would hurt me probably like how he did to my mom.

He brings me in a room where my dad sit at a table and the man sits me in an empty seat across from him.

"Nice to see you again" he says politely, scaring me. I attempt to hide my fear but the constant shaking doesn't help, also holding back my tears isnt coming very successful either.

"Don't be scared babe, I won't hurt you. Not for now " I scream and he slaps the table. "Tie her up" he demands to the man. He ties my hands to the table and my ankles to the legs also tying a bandana around my mouth.

"Katie katie katie" he says slowly voice getting lower each time. "You don't know how long I have been looking for you, watching you... Longer than you think" he says tilting his head "you know its quite adorable, that relationship you and Luke have, it really is."

I moan trying to make out words but then get interrupted "shhh, I also know that you have been staying at the Grier's house. Such a nice family. You wanna know how I know that? Every time your NOT there.. I am. And you wanna know what that boy your age said?"

I stared at him waiting for him to continue. "He said he only let you stay because he felt bad for you, he never was your friend. He was just using you. He wanted you to come back home but his mom said no and grounded him... Now that I think of it, he sounded like he hates you. The way he talked about you was horrible. More horrible than anything I've ever done.

Is what he saying is true? Was Hayes only using me? Was everything he said.. Did.. A lie? No. It can't be true. It can't be. I mean, is it?

I notice that I started to cry "oh.. Sweetie, don't cry, you're with me now. You're home" I started to ball wishing I had my mother here to hold and protect me.

Alright I'm gonna end it here for now, I'm gonna think of some ideas. Got the rest of the story line all together and j think I might cry soon cause its just so messed up. Get ready but idk if you will cry. If you see this comment "I like Canadian unicorns" it makes no sense but whatevs. Lol. Baii.

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