Chapter 28; Mr. Hayes?

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*Hayes' POV*

After what it seemed like forever I finally fell asleep. I had a dream where Katie actually got hit by the car and died. I shot awake with sweat running down my face. I was breathing heavily and looked over at the alarm clock. 5:20 A.M. Great.

Since I am pretty much awake I grab clothes and head for the bathroom, I strip my clothes off and smell them. Ugh, I do smell bad. I climb into the shower and get my ok smelling clothes on. I spray cologne so I don't smell THAT bad during the day.

I bounce down the stairs and into the kitchen. "hey mom" I say walking past my mom for a bowl. "Hey sweetie" she replies. I pour Cherios into the bowl and milk. I go sit on the island and look at the seat next to mine. "Hey where's Katie?" I say with food in my mouth. "She already left for school a little while ago. I'd go too if I were you" I look at the clock and see the time is 7:20. "Oh crap" I mumble crowning down my food and grabbing my snap back. I ran out the door and headed off for school.

I ran in right when the bell rang and went to homeroom. I didn't see Katie but I saw Gracie. She motioned for me to come sit next to her. I sighed and moped over to the seat. "Good morning Mr. Grier" I just sat there quietly and then blurted out "do you know where Katie is?" She looked at me confused "uh in the principals office.." She said quickly "whyyy" I said slowly and in a low voice.

"She felt dizzy so they made me take her to the principal to call her doctor" "oh. Cool" I said smoothly. "Whyyy were you asking?" She said mocking me. "Just wondering.."

At the end of homeroom the bell rang Gracie shot up. She was silent all homeroom and wasn't talking to me at all. "Wait" I said quickly as she started to walk away she turned and sighed "I don't think I should" "why?" I said all confused like. She looked away for a second and tightened her lips then looked back "if you didn't call her fat.." Her voice cracked a little and I felt bad "none of us would be in this situation right now" I followed her out and when I looked down the halls I couldn't see her.

I yelled out "what situation? What do you mean none of us?" I sighed and turned around to see a tall man that looked like Katie in a way. "Are you Mr. Hayes?" He asked in a raspy voice. "Uh" I said backing up. He snatched me by the ear and pulled me out of the school. "Let's go for a walk. He said pulling me hard by the ear out the door.

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