Chapter 20; Why?

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**Hayes' POV**

After homeroom I tried holding Gracie's hand but she just kept pulling away. "sorry" I said quietly. "it's ok Hayes" she said. Then kissed my cheek. She walked down the hall to her next class. It was quiet in the halls because our homeroom teacher lets us out earlier then usual. I grabbed my books for next class and slammed the locker door. I heard Gracie scream "OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. HELP. SOMEONE. MR GRFFIN. MRS. HELEN. SOMEONE. HELP. OH MY GOD." I dropped my books and ran to where she was. She dropped to the floor and all I saw were legs on one side and blood on the other. "are you o- oh my god" my voice cracked and years starting streaming out of my eyes while I saw Katie's bleeding body laying on the floor. I knelt down "go get help. Call 911. Do something Gracie! Go!!" I yelled as hard as I could. Gracie got up quickly and ran. I don't know where. But I don't know where, all I heard was her shoes slapping against the tile floor. I sat on the floor crying and holding Katie in my arms. Why did I have to say she was fat. Why did I have to kiss Gracie right infront of her. Why did I have to be such a jerk. As messy as it was I put my head to her heart to hear if she had a pulse. She had one but it was very slow. It got slower and slower by the second. I then heard a bell ring. Oh shit. What's gonna happen when everyone sees this. Then after the bell I heard "lock your doors and stay in homeroom. There is an emergency. Lock your doors and stay in homeroom." after a minute or two I heard a siren and looked out the door and saw an ambulance. They ran into the door and pushed me back to the lockers. My head slammed on the locker and a man came up to me and checked up on me to see if I was ok then asked me questions. Before I knew it everyone was gone. Some people came in to put up CAUTION tape around the area to keep people out. It was dead silent. Just me and a blood stain on the tile floor. I looked down to see that I was drenched in Katie's blood. Then another bell rang " all classes for today are canceled. Please exit the building in an orderly fashion and please do not grab your bags." then the halls filled with students and some of my friends came up "dude what happen- ohh dude. What the hell" "come on boys we gotta go" one the teachers called. Gracie walked up to me slowly and just stood there. I started to cry and she pulled me in for a hug. It's like she didn't even care I was covered in blood..

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