Chapter 60; The End

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Hayes' POV

It's been a few days since Katie has been in the hospital. I've been there every moment I can. Speaking for Luke, he told me he's going to break up with Katie when she wakes up.

What an ass.

After getting home school today, I decided I was going to stay late at the hospital. Since it's Friday and all.

I really hope Katie hasn't been hearing any of the things I've been telling her. But then again, I do, cause I want her to know all the things thy have been happening with Luke and how much of a jerk he actually is.

I pull out my back pack and start to do my homework.

A few hours of laying around and waiting for mom to get home to drop me off at the hospital, she finally comes through the front door.

I jump out of bed and start to out my shoes on and get ready to leave. She walks slowly up the stairs with her heels clicking on every step.

Just as I'm about to be ready to leave, she knocks softly on my door. "Come in!" I yell, and she pushes the door open softly.

She has a sympathetic and sorrowful look on her face, giving me the worst anxiety possible.

"Hayes, I'm going to need you to sit down. " She speaks softly, motioning me to my bed. My heart beat is skipping beats and going double time.

"I got a call from the hospital today.." She drifts, "and they told me that Katie," she shakes her head and looks away. Tears form in my eyes, because I know what she's about to say.

She whips around with an excited face and yells "woke up!" We both jump to our feet, "Katie woke up, Hayes!" "Yes! Yes! Yes!" I jump and hug her making her nearly fall down.

"We have to go right now, mom!" "Sounds good!" We both run down the stairs and get into her car. While driving to the hospital, I got a thousand butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't wait to see her, God Damnit!

When we got to the hospital, it was already 7:00, so we only had an hour until we had to leave for guest hour.

The nurse led us to her room where she lay peacefully watching old episodes of SpongeBob. She turned her head to look at me and smiled.

"I'll leave you two alone." My mom smiled and shut the door quietly. "God, I've missed you so much!" I run up and hug her softly. She groans, "Oops, sorry." "No you're fine." I pull away and sit in the seat next to the bed.

"Katie, I'm so glad you're alive. We all thought you wouldn't make it. " She smiles, "I know, I've heard everything in the past few days." My heart stops, she's heard everything.

"I heard conversations from 'what's for dinner' to 'who gets the remote' to, well, 'I love you.'"

My mouth drops to the ultra-clean floor. "You heard that?" I ask quietly, fiddling with my thumbs. She giggles and nods her head.

"Well that's not embarrassing." I mention sarcastically. "And I also heard that Luke was going to break up with me?" She lifts an eyebrow, testing me. "Yeah, he told me that."

"Well, obviously not. Because I already did it in my sleep. " She looks her nails, cockily. "Why don't you tell him that?" She makes a face that says 'hi, I'm Katie, and I'm a boss ass bitch.'

"Oh and you can also tell him that I have a new boyfriend."

Okay, who now?

I grip the arms of the chair and lean forward, "Who?" "You, silly! I was waiting for you to ask me out since forever ago."

"Oh well how about I ask you out," I get to my feet and lean over her, "and do this." I whisper before kissing her.

I waited for a moment before she kissed me back, thank god. That would have been awkward.

She pulls away and looks into my eyes, "I've always had this feeling Hayes." "What feeling?"

Our faces are inches apart, and her breath smells like mint.

"That I love you, but I've never been able to comprehend it."

"You love me?" I ask, shocked. "Of course." She speaks quietly.

"I love you too, Katie." Then I kissed her again.

And from this moment on, I know that we will live greatly together. Just me and Katie, and a few people in between.

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