Chapter 48; Savannah

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**Hayes' POV**

So school was pretty boring today, nothing much happened but Chelsea was kind of distant.

After school, Luke and I were on 'okay terms' but we weren't talking. So I walked alone down to the locker room, I got dressed quickly and heard two guys talking. "Dude, there are these two super hot chicks out there fighting right now" "really? What's happening" Luke asked. The guy took us to the door and we all saw Katie and Chelsea on top of eachother.

Luke and I ran out as fast as we could. "Woah woah woah" we both yelled trying to break them apart. Chelsea was fighting to keep hitting Katie and Katie was just struggling to get loose.

I set Chelsea down and she slapped my chest, "your such an asshole!" She's started to walk away but I pulled on her arm, "what did I do?" "You were going to kiss her! I know your little secret. Luke, told me AND your fight is ALL OVER THE INTERNET".

"No, no. That's not at all what happened, Luke thought we were but we didn't" she started crying and I held her in my arms. I looked over at Katie and Luke and they were not on the brightest terms.

Katie looked over at me and she was pissed, like super pissed. Then she grabbed her backpack and stomped away. Luke was shaking his head and the guys came up and patted him on the back.

After football practice was over, I went up to Luke "what happened? What's she say to you" "I tried to hug her, but she just flipped out" he sat down and took his cleats off. "But what did she say?" "I don't want to talk about this right now, why do you go ask her yourself, since she's living with you"

Then he walked away. Wow, this week was not at all going well.

**Katie's POV**

I grabbed my backpack and walked away. Once off the school property, I got a text from my old friend, Savannah. We haven't talked in a while, not since I moved out of town. The text said "hey, I'm in town for a week ;)".

When I got that text, my mood changed by 99.9%. "Omg we need to hang! Where u at?" I sent, and walked into the house. I got out my homework out and did it as fast as I could. "At Holiday Inn, come over. We can go swimming" "k, I'll ask when my guardian gets here".

Since Savannah and I haven't talked, she doesn't know anything that has happened. She doesn't know all the shit that has happened since I got here, she only knows I moved because my brother left, but she doesn't know my dad drove my mom away and killed my siblings and all the Hayes stuff. Even thinking of his name makes me want to cry, I don't know why.

After Elizabeth got home with Skyllyn I immediately asked her if I could go hang out with her, the best part was, she said I could stay the whole week with Savannah. "Eee! Thank you thank you thank you!" I hugged her and ran up to Hayes' room to pack my bag. Once I was done I texted Savannah that I could stay the whole week.

When Elizabeth dropped me off, I saw Savannah waiting inside the door. I ran up to her and gave her a big hug. She grabbed my hand "we have A LOT to catch up to" she said and dragged me up to her room. We sat on the bed, and she told me all about how school has been without me and I told her every good and bad thing that has happened so far this year.

"Wait, so you guys kissed.. Then dated other people, then he almost kissed you again and basically said he loved you then sided with his girlfriend again?" "Yup." She scrunches her eyebrows. "Who is this guy??" "The person who lives in the same house as me".

"Well who is it" "His name is Hayes" "wait, like in Hayes Grier?" "Yeah?" I said slowly. "OH MY GOD" she jumped up. "YOUR LIVING IN THE GRIER HOUSE?!?! So that video where Hayes Grier and Luke Foushee were fighting was... OH MY SHIT!!!" I laughed at her reaction. "Girl, I am so going to drown him" "finally, you got your chill back" she smiled brightly. "Not really, can I like, meet him? Sometime this week? PLEASE??" "I guess so, but remember we're kinda fighting" "well if he likes you, he'll be glad to see you" we both smiled and headed down to the pool.

Sorry it's short, I'll update later.

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