Chapter 19

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I woke up again next to Hayes and the sun was shinning in my face.

I put on Black leggings, a long sleeved maroon and black PINK shirt, a North Face vest, put my hair in a messy bun, and put on my white Nike Air Force 1's

"Where are you going?" Hayes asked "I don't know, maybe Starbucks." I said "If you do go there can you please bring me back a hot chocolate?" he asked "sure." I gave him a kiss in the cheek then headed out the door.

I actually don't know where I'm going, I just wanted to walk around. Ive lived in Baltimore for a while, but don't really know where I'm going. It's been quite a while since I've been back in one of my favorite places in the world.

I found an outlet mall and walked in there to see if I could find a Bread Co or something.

Hey Nicole. Where are you, I want to meet up with you?- Hayes

I'm in an outlet mall not too far from the hotel.- Nicole

I honestly kind of just wanted to be alone though.

I love Hayes and his company and all, but I really just wanted to be alone for about an hour.

I sat on a bench, put in my earbuds, and listened to music while scrolling through Instagram.

There was a little trio of boys about my age that would stare and point at me.

Finally, after a while, one of them walked over to me.

"Hey, what's your name, beautiful?"

"Hi..." I said hesitantly.

. "So, what are you doing here all alone?" He asked "Just...sittin." I was not very comfortable at all.

"I was wondering, can I get your phone number?" He asked "umm, I already have a boyfriend." "He doesn't have to know." He shrugged with a small grin on his face.

"Umm, no thank you." I said while getting up and starting to walk away.

"No! Wait!" He quickly moved I front of me, blocking me from going any farther.

"What?" "Can we at least start out slow?" "What? No. I already told you--" "No. I mean we could start out friends." "Well, I don't really--"

I was cut off by someone wrapping their arm around my waist.

I jumped a little and looked back to see that it was Hayes.

"Who's this, babe?" He asked while looking at the guy I was talking to.

I opened my mouth to answer his question "Umm, I just wanted to ask her a quick question." He answered before I could say anything

"Oh, well, what was the question, maybe I could help you out, too." The way he was acting was honestly kind of embarrassing.

"Umm, I just.. Never mind. I can ask someone else." He said then walked away.

"What did he want?" "Nothing." "Well it seemed like he wanted something."

"He just wanted directions. He was lost, now can we please move on." I was honestly kind of pissed now because of how ignorant he acted.

Both of Us ♤ Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now