Chapter 12

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~The next day at school~

I just arrived at school and Laura was waiting for me in the back of the lobby.

"Nicole, What was it you wanted to tell me?" "Hayes invited me to go on tour with him and I'm really excited because I've always wanted to go to Magcon and I'm going with Hayes and I really like Hayes."

"I'm so happy for you." She said with a big smile "Hayes really likes you, and I hope his fans really like you, too. I mean, they probably will, but you know how fan girls can be." "Yeah. Can you come over after school so we can just hang out before I leave though?" "Sure."


After school Laura came home with me to help me pack and so I would have someone to talk to.

We mostly talked about girl stuff... And Hayes.

When she had to leave I gave her a tight hug.

"I'll miss you." She said "I'll miss you too."

Hayes invited me to stay over at his house since we had to get up at 6:00, that way the boys could wake me up.


When I woke up Hayes was on his phone. 

I looked at the time on my phone and it said it was 6:34 and the plane left at 8:00, so I decided to get up.

I got ready while he was doing that.

I put on black leggings, a white t-shirt, a black and white Adida jacket and a pair of Jordan Wolf Grey 3's.

I went back upstairs since Hayes and I had both been sleeping downstairs, in the basement.

I sat down on the couch and closed my eyes then I got a text.

Good luck😘- Laura

Thank you.😘- Nicole

Don't have a panic attack on the plane😉✈️- Laura

Lol that's you- Nicole

"Hey guys, you ready?" Nash asked. "yeah where are we going again?" "Ummm Dallas and Baltimore."


~At the airport~
We got to the Airport at about 7:25, so we just got breakfast from Starbucks.

I, once again, got a raspberry tea and a plain bagel.

When we were done eating, Hayes and I sat by the big windows, watching planes lift off and land.

It was pretty cool because it was a caravan of planes while they were lifting off and landing.


I fell asleep for about half of the three hour plane ride.

By the time the plane landed I finished some of my schoolwork.

When we got off of the plane we were all pretty hungry.

We searched all around for a Chipotle. I didn't even care what we ate, I just wanted to eat.

While we were waiting for the limo to arrive, Hayes sat next to me and put his arm around me.

We were all on our phones, nothing new, but I honestly mostly watched Hayes responding to fan's tweets and stuff and it was cute.

Both of Us ♤ Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now