Chapter 28

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Nicole's POV
I woke up and was next to Cameron and got a text from Hayes.

Can you meet me in the lobby? I want to talk to you- Hayes

Sure- Nicole

I walked down to the lobby and saw Hayes by the door.

I walked up to him. "What did you want to talk about?" I asked "Let's go for a walk." he said kind of ignoring my question "Ok?"

While we were walking he mentioned Caroline. "What about Caroline?" I asked "Well, this is hard for me to say, but I have feelings for her." he said "Ok, go on." I said like I didn't care, but inside I was dying "I think we should break up." I was dead.

"Ok." I said while shrugging my shoulders. "Ok...? What do you mean ok?!" He asked "I mean, ok, you just broke up with me. There's not much more I can do but except it and be happy for you and Caroline." "So the 4 months that we were together meant nothing to you?!" He said kind of raising his voice. "Ok, first of all, I don't know who the hell you're raising your voice at, but I know it's not me. And second, They meant a lot to me. And why are you getting mad at me? You're the one who broke up with me! You should be happy." I said then walked back to the hotel by myself.

I walked back up to Hayes and I's room and Cameron was still laying on the bed, sleeping.

I sat down on the side of the bed and put my face in my hands. I couldn't take it anymore, so I just cried my eyes out.

I promised myself I would never cry over a boy, but I just couldn't help myself. It hurt so bad to think he broke up with me for someone that he barley knows.

After a few minutes, I finally managed to stop crying and get up. 

I got up and went to my suitcase. it was a warm day so I got out and black and white Nike shorts, a white and red OBEY shirt, and a pair of white converse.

I took a shower and brushed my teeth then got dressed and put my hair in a pony tail.

I walked out of the bathroom and Hayes was sitting on the bed on his phone. He looked up at me then looked back down at his phone.

I walked over to my suitcase and put my dirty clothes in there.

"I'm going out with Caroline today." he said "Don't care." I said "What are you gonna do?" He asked "Maybe spend the day with my friends or go back to the outlet mall." I said "Yeah, remember what happened last time." he scoffed "I can take care of myself, Hayes." I said while turning toward him "I'm just sayin." "Well Next time keep your thoughts to yourself."

"Whats your problem?" He asked "My problem is you." I said "Is it because I broke up with you for another girl and you just won't get over it." he said "Are you kidding me?! I've been over it! You're the one who made it a big deal." I said "How?!" "You think it's all about you, like the whole world revolves around you. Well news flash, it doesn't." "No I don't!" "Oh yeah? Why did you get so upset when my reaction wasn't the way you wanted it to be." I emphasizing the words you and my.

He opened his mouth to say something, but stayed silent.

I walked to the door and was about to put my hand on the door handle, but was stopped by Hayes' voice "Baby, wait!" He blurted out.

I hesitated to turn the handle, but couldn't stand to be in the same room with him at this point.

I walked out of the hotel room and down to the lobby and decided to go to the outlet mall.

I walked into Aeropostale and just looked around for a while.

"Well, it's nice seeing you here again." I heard a voice from behind me.

Both of Us ♤ Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now