Chapter 27

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I woke up next to Hayes and everything from last night came back.

I sat up and looked over at him and he still sleeping.

I got dressed into jean shorts, a black and grey long sleeved Vans shirt, I put my hair in a ponytail, and put on a pair of black and white Roshes.

I walked out of the bathroom with my dirty clothes in my hand, and walked over to my suitcase.

Hayes was laying on the bed, on his phone

"Good morning babe." he said "Good morning."

My phone buzzed from the nightstand, so I walked over and picked it up.

Hey can I talk to you?- Cameron

Sure- Nicole

"I'll be right back." I said to Hayes while walking out of the room.

I walked to his room and knocked on the door. he opened it and told me to come in.

"Hey, Umm, so I needed to talk to you about something that I couldn't keep from you." he said "Ok. what is it?" I asked

"Umm, Hayes kind of has feelings for... Caroline... He told me last night.. and he was going to spend the day with her.." he said

"Oh." I said quietly, even though I honestly just wanted to break down and cry. "Are you ok?" He asked "Y-yeah. I'm fine. He's- it's just Hayes. it's not a big deal or anything." I said then a tear slipped down my cheek

He came in to hug me. I really needed a hug.

"Things don't last forever, anyways." I said trying not to hold back the rest of my tears.

"Nicole, it's ok to cry. I understand. you guys are really close." he said "No, it's just... He's my best friend and I would hate for a bunch of mixed up emotions to ruin that because I love being his friend."

He pulled me in for another hug and I cried harder. "I need to take a walk." I said "Can I come?" He asked "Sure." he said

We ended up getting 2 jars of Nutella and a big bag of straight pretzels.

We talked for a while about how life was going, and I kind of tried to stay off of the whole Hayes topic.

We also watched tons of movies. I needed a day like this, and Cameron is the perfect person to spend it with.

Hayes' POV
I just had an amazing time with Caroline. She took me to Six Flags, we went out to Applebee's, and we went by the water and onto a boat. it was really fun and I hope I get to do it with her again.

I walked up to Nicole and I's room and unlocked the door.

I saw Nicole and Cameron sleeping with the TV on. Cameron's arm was around Nicole and they looked so comfortable.

I closed the door up and headed to Nash's room so I could sleep there. I didn't want to wake them up.

Both of Us ♤ Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now